CLOSED: Glass Gem corn seeds

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have these seeds for trade? I'd really like to acquire some!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Hi Robin,

Did you get some from Joseph in the Hog wild Piggy Swap? I will see how many he sends to me. If there are enough to share I can send you some when I get them.

I was cruising the seed swapping threads to see if I can get the list of seeds that Susie did not get in the robin last year. Then I saw this post. I think Joseph is out of the Glass Gems now.

I am making the labels now for Susie for this swap, and yours, of course. I need to stop looking at all the seeds to get...I really do not NEED a single more seed..that is why they call it the PIGGY swap!! ^_^

Evelyn ^_^

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I didn't get any seeds from Joseph. I really wanted to be a piggy... I didn't think I could handle the excitement. Maybe next year I'll be a little more seasoned. Perhaps I could just put some 'big girl' pants on! How do you know you don't need a single seed? What if I came up with something you'd really like to grow?

I was hoping you'd have room for yet another Hibiscus, like 'Mahogany Splendor'. Thanks Evelyn, you're too sweet!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from Mipii :

I was hoping you'd have room for yet another Hibiscus, like 'Mahogany Splendor'. Thanks Evelyn, you're too sweet!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!! ^_^

You know me too well already, huh?

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I didn't want you to think I thought you were too sweet as in 'I can't tolerate it'. I suppose you're 'pleasantly sweet' Carry on!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a) are SO silly!!! (I LOVE it!)

From the SWEET ONE ^_^

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