What the Heck Happened?

Hudson, FL(Zone 9a)

I live in west central Florida on the coast. I have a 25 x 15 garden for edibles. I have never had trouble before until this growing season. I do cover/cook my plot for several weeks before planting. I amend the soil and use only neem and BT as needed. I started from seed many of my plants. Some I used HD bought that were ahead of my seeds for timing of harvest. All my lettuces and beans (the third pic are the leaves of the beans but they are still producing) are doing well as are my carrots, cucs, tomatoes ect. However, my yellow and zucchini squash are dying. The zucchini did better than the yellow. They looked good for the first weeks and then bam! All are dying. Please help ID the problem (beans too). Thanks in advance, Leslie.

Thumbnail by tangobango Thumbnail by tangobango Thumbnail by tangobango
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Pictures 1 and 2, squash, show some pests nibbled leaves, but not too bad as late as it is in the season. The brown leaves and overall poor growth is a concern. If you are properly solarizing the beds every few years I would not think there would be problems with root diseases like Vertilicillium, Fusarium or others, but just to be sure I would solarize these beds before replanting.

The beans look like something very small is eating them. So small it is doing damage to only one surface of the leaf.
I also see severe nutrient deficiency in these leaves. The pattern of green and yellow is typical of a plant that is not getting one of the minerals like iron.

Hudson, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Diana K. I solarize twice a year. 6 weeks or more. I amend the soil with each planting. I also see some munching by something. There is dots of rust on the beans. Neem oil will also be used a bit. There is a lot of lime in the soil here but I have never had this problem before as I add compost each planting. I am going to plant a disease resistant hybrid next time. We shall see. Thanks again, Leslie.

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Lucky you have enough sun to be able to solarize so often. With the rotations I do I generally do each bed only every few years. For me, it means the bed is out of production in the heat of the summer. Any other time of the year is too cool to effectively solarize.

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