Dollar (or Pound) tree hole

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm thinking of amending the soil in a relatively large area that would support healthy growth of a Katsura. I'm afraid this tree would languish in our sand, and this might be a way to overcome this hurdle. Has anyone tried this? I'm afraid it could be one of those ideas that sounds great sitting at a computer, but once I put a shovel in my hands it would be more like what was I thinking!

The basic process would be something like this: (1) kill grass, (2) strip off 4"-6" of top soil; excavate/remove another 6"-8" of soil; and (4) fill hole with mix of original top soil and organic rich soil (purchased).

The diameter of amended area would be about 12'. One concern I have is how the tree responds once its roots grew beyond the amended area into native soils. I'm hoping it would be established enough where this wouldn't be a major issue.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

And here, I thought you were a farmer...

If indeed you are bent on this much effort and disruption and conversion of your existing conditions - get thee to some machinery! Instead of all that well-intentioned but imaginary handwork, a simple excavating device would serve you so much better. You can move the same stuff over and over and over, and as deep or deeper than you would ever conceive of doing with simple muscle power.

A backhoe would work fine. If your operating space is too confined for that, there are mine-excavator with tracks that can be driven through a 4 foot garden gate, and swivel 360 degrees in place. Combine that with a simple tiller to mix anything you want mixed, and you'll be amazed at the damage you can do on a fine fall afternoon.

Maybe you need to bring in a consultant to help demonstrate...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

"...disruption and conversion of your existing conditions..."

Really? Are you serious or saying this in jest? I really can't tell. Anyhow, aren't you from Kentucky? I could be wrong about this, but it seems there's been a little bit of "disruption and conversion" in the Commonwealth. BTW, I really miss my Kubota. It decided to stay at the farm.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I'm only saying it because that is what you are saying you want to do. Accurate, n'est-ce pas?

Don't think anyone is doing that here to grow an alien tree in a dry spot. Just trying to generate power for y'all energy hogs.

I didn't cast any aspersions upon your Cheese-tocracy - leave my Bluegrass and coalfields alone. And I meant to write mini-excavator - unfortunate misspelling above possibly led to your imagined strip mine...

All THAT said - it seems the idea has penetrated perfectly. A Kubota with a couple attachments - bucket and tiller - and you could still have time to pour your lovely lass a glass.

Eau Claire, WI(Zone 4a)

"Just trying to generate power for y'all energy hogs."

Oh, just the thought of it warms my heart. We don't want to blow the tops off mountains, but y'all keep demanding coal. What's a poor boy to do?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

How fast must one pedal to keep a computer running?

And that Kubota probably only used canola in the engine...

Ever think about what was stripped so that there were homesites and farms north of the Cheese Curtain?

Casting stones, indeed. Eye of the beholder, as it were. At least I can still find a rock shelter or two to crawl into around here.

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