Help - peace lily disease?

Liverpool, United Kingdom

Hi, i wondered if someone can give me some advice...
I noticed a ball of soft white (see photograph) when repotting my peace lily today for the first time in 2 years. Im not sure if this is the bulb rotting? It is very soft (i don't know a lot about caring for plants). I cut off all of the brown / yellow leaves and also noticed there are brown spots on the bottom of the stems.

I bought this peace lily about 2 years ago, it has been fine up until about 5 months ago, when it starting wilting and the leaves underneath started to go yellow and brown.
Im not sure if I over watered it or if it has a disease. I also think it was receiving too much direct sunlight.
Can someone please help, I really don't want it to die but i'm not sure what else to do.
I've placed it out of direct sunlight. Is there any hope?

Thumbnail by lell123
Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

The soft mush at the base of the leaves suggests the soil is not draining very well. The white might be fungus that suggests the same thing.
Spathiphyllum need plenty of water, but the soil should drain well, too, so that enough oxygen gets into the soil between watering.

I would repot it into a coarse soil, perhaps with some bark chips and sand blended with a regular house plant soil. Not one with water holding polymers.

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