Pond killer is back!!!

LOL!! I posted asking for some pond plants for sase because my guide dog puppy (Lab) totally destroyed my pond. Well the "Pond Puppy" is back. Flunked blind dog school. Seems he had other plans for his life!! He has already been skating over the pond and wading in the bog..after he broke thru the ice!!
The fencing is ready and looking foward to getting my pond back into shape.
Thanks for the offers for the sase plants. Will be in contact with you all when things warm up.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh, Minnie I'm so sorry - it must be really embarrassing to have a puppy flunk out of seeing eye dog school! (Remember me? I'm the one with TWO lab puppies who also like to ice skate!!!) You have my sympathies, if I can stop giggling long enough to offer them with a straight face! Let me know if you still need plants.....it's for a good cause!

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Minnie, Where are you located, I would LOVE that wonderful puppy. He sounds like a real character.

I just lost my darling cat who was a 'One in a Million' to cancer and would be willing to take on a 'Lab with an Attitude'.

I am in Canada!

Hi Gardendragon
My Lab puppy is a character!! He makes us laugh all the time. I had a choice to take him back and of course I did. We missed him so much. I had taken a nephew of my Whippet when we sent him to training so when we got him back that made 5 (count 'em FIVE) dogs in my little house.
I missed him twice a day when he wasnt there to lick the dirty dishes as I stacked the dishwasher!!
Having Radar around is like having children visit in a Senior couples house. He definatly sparks up the house.
If you want character.....I can send you 2 teenage boys who whine at chore time!!! I will pay the postage!!
So sorry to hear about your kitty. Thats the worst part about having pets. Hope you feel better:)

This message was edited Monday, Mar 12th 8:05 PM

This message was edited Monday, Mar 12th 8:07 PM

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

Minnie, No I do not want BOYS, 'been there, done that, not again thanks'

I rapidly decided when mine were old enough and started leaving home, and coming back with all their junk, I would be like baseball. Three strikes and you are OUT. They were allowed to leave home and come back 3 times then that was that. NO MORE BOYS or GIRLS. You have to eventually put your foot down or you will have them FOREVER!

But your lovely pup I will take.

Lovely puppy? Gardendragon, this dog is nuts! LOL!When Radar "left" I was shocked it took so long for him to return!! I felt REALLY bad for the poor blind person that would have gotten him!They didn't have a fighting chance with him!I could go on and on about Radar but I will say this, he is cute in an annoying sort of way!!I'm sure I will be fixing up my sisters pond alot this year with that maniac dog back home!Oh well,they love him. Pearl

Hey G
The fence is going up this weekend and he will never again swim, skate or raid my pond in any way! I will need major help in getting it going again but after that it will be fine.

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