10 items a day!

Middletown, PA

After a long absence, I am back. Glad to see some familiar names in here! I don't thing I have actually been here since 2011, how time passes! Anyway, I recently read of a woman who challenged herself to declutter, by getting rid of ten items a day. I started doing this a little over a week ago, but I think I need to be held accountable, so, I was wondering if anyone wants to join me in this? You can throw it, sell it, give it away, what ever suits, but 10 items a day. Today I threw away ten items from my basement, including 5 items of clothing, a bucket full of modeling clay and stuff my daughter was using a few years a go, an old tote bag, some blue and silver curling ribbon and 2 old magazines that found their way to the basement!

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