Spring Roundup Site Suggestions 2014

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok guys!! Spring is still several months away but I figure now is a good time to start figuring out where we want to have the RU at. There are numerous locations to choose from so hit me with your ideas and we can decide what will work.

Everyone is welcome to pitch ideas and everyone welcome to attend!! If location is pet friendly, dogs are allowed to join the fun also.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh this is a great thing, is has been a long time.
I am going to look at some other ru's and get some ideas.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Anywhere within about one hundred miles one-way would be fine for me. Even Liberty Park in Sedalia like the Spring 07' Roundup in a shelter worked out well I thought. It has public restrooms and I'm sure there are motels there. Heck, what about pepper's house!?
I'd offer up my house but I don't have a house! lol I believe this is a pic of the shelter we had then after everyone had left, I took this first photo, the second photo is of a nearby shelter from our shelter, nice place. Btw, those Railroad tracks aren't used by trains, they're small, just for looks, maybe a kiddie train. And plenty of parking, with a church next-door, 3rd and 4th pics. I think that building in the background of the first photo was the restrooms. The fifth pic is another view from our shelter then. -

Just edited to say maybe it was called Centennial Park come to think of it, I'm really not sure of the name, anybody?

This message was edited Oct 4, 2013 2:38 AM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here's another idea to check out. Bothwell Lodge State Park in Sedalia. I'm still looking around and racking my brain to encompass a variety of areas around and in KC. Learning new things all the time! :~)


suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Bothwell Lodge State Park looks like a good place to me. It looks like an incredible old place in the photos at the link, thanks pepper. I'm glad you found that, I had never even heard of it.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Bothwell Lodge State Park sounds good to me. I'm in.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Pepper, please let me know if I can help out in any way. I would like to reserve the Friday & Monday off for that weekend as soon as we have some dates. I also need to make sure that the dates don't conflict with my work schedule. I know that's far off, but the sooner; the better. This will give me a day to pack & a day to rest up. Hopefully, the weather agrees with our plans since Spring weather is quite fickle. However, I'll be there rain or shine; just no tornadoes or hailstorms please! LOL I do have camping equipment (tent, campstove, lantern, etc...) if there is a decent campground nearby. Otherwise, I can look into local accommodations.

In the meantime, I'll look back at prior year CMW roundup threads to refresh my memory for planning. Also, I'm thinking about what I can prep to share with my garden buddies. Seed collecting, plant & bulb dividing, etc... I can do face painting and balloon twisting for the kiddos and big kiddos too!

If anyone has special requests, please let me know. Will, there will be a couple of cherry bushes with your name on them; including some bamboo. I'll try to reserve some of my canned goodies, but that may be hard depending on how long winter lasts! LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Since the weather is so fickle in Spring I'm thinking mid May at earliest for the RU. That will give the weather time to warm up some more and for plants to break dormacy.

I'm open to ideas on locations still.

Bothwell Lodge does charge a small fee to tour the place.


suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Awww.. thanks for the Cherry bushes and Bamboo, Betty!
Count me in on chipping in on any shelter and tour fees. When we get the reservation charge or anything, I am good to pay my cut.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

That sounds good Pepper because Nicole & Carla should be done with final exams by then.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Our gardening group has our plant sale in may and we have been doing this for years and we had to move the date to later because our plants had not grown enough to sell because we seem to be coolier in the spring. This year it was May 18. I wouldn't make the date any earlier than that if we are swapping plants from the garden.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happ, that's what I was thinking. In the past we've done it a bit early in the year and didn't have much to swap.

As soon as I buy a calendar for next year I'll be able to start looking at dates.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I will be there, will try to bring AuntB .

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi jw! That'd be great, hope you and AuntB can make it!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)


Ok, I just found out that the calendar on my phone goes all the way to May next year so.....how about May 24th or May 31rst for the Roundup.

I am assuming you guys want to try to have it Bothwell? If so I will make go pay a visit next month. I have a friend who has been there before and I think it would be cool to go see Christmas decorations there.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Hopefully I will make it out to see you before then, but at least we can all be together that weekend that would be great.
Pepper we don't want to have it on Memorial weekend, least I don't want to...rofl. We have lots going on that weekend.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't have holidays listed on the phone so all suggestions welcome for dates. lol. I just picked last 2 weekends. I personally don't want to deal with crazy lake traffic that weekend. lol

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi there! I've never been to a roundup, but it sounds like fun.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

They are alot of fun!! We always have new people there so we get to meet new faces plus regulars. We swap plants, and depending on where we have it, we also grill for lunch. Sometimes we do door prizes too but mostly we hang around and chat.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Yes, let's avoid Memorial Day Weekend for sure and that lake traffic is tough.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here in the next few weeks I am hoping to get down there and find out if we will be able to hold it there. I'll let you all know what they say and we will get down to really hammering out details after that.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sounds great, pepper. I am excited too! I don't know how far away that is for you, if you want a traveling companion, I'll go with you if you like. I went to English Landing Park at least once in advance of the Roundup to check things out.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I passed through Sedalia when returning from the last roundup that I attended and we ate at the Taco Bell. It was a nice little town. Thanks Pepper for checking the site out for us. I appreciate all that you do.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's no problem checking it out. I have a friend who loves going there and she will help me find out if it's possible to hold it there. I should be able to catch her at work next week and I'll bug her about it. lol

Will, you're more than welcome to ride with me! If I bring other people I will borrow my mom's car to hold us all. I always try to bring friends. lol.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for checking it out pepper, believe me it really is necessary. There are some things that have to be seen and heard in person so there's no nasty surprises.
Thanks for the invite for me to go along, I'd love to go. Also, I'd like to offer up my little car, it's a 4 seater. It gets 33.5 mpg in the city, I imagine it gets around 35 or 36 mpg on the highway.
But I check the mileage every time I fill up, I'm just nuts like that! But I know it's a reliable car.
I don't know if you want to be seen in a non-Ford vehicle but the windows are tinted!
lol Just kidding, but it's a Corolla. One thing, if it's very hot that day, it doesn't have air conditioning, I know that stinks, trust me, but I'm rather adapted to it! lol

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I havn't been to Sedalia in over 7 years, I am looking forward to it. I could Pick you up, Joyce, if you don't mind riding in a Honda.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I know this is about the site, but put me down for bringing the cheesecake. LOL

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

sounds yummy, I am going to bring some plants too LOL
do we have a menu yet?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, first off how does May 31rst sound? Very last Sat of the month and after Memorial Day.

I have been getting more info on Bothwell from a friend and we will be going down there to see if we need to reserve the shelter as soon as it warms up. There is no heat or air in the lodge. It does cost to do a tour but only like 5 bucks or so a person.

As soon as you guys approve the date I will start new threads.

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

May 31st does sound good for me. I'll secure the Friday before and Monday after at work; just in case. I can always change it.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, me too, I will try to swing that day off. I may be a job-hunter at that time but if everything works out, I will likely be there.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Sounds good, as long as I am home by the Memorial day Sunday. WIl I be?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's after Memorial Day weekend. It's the following weekend, very last weekend of month.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Good, that will work then. YAY!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is a link to the Missouri Resources magazine that came out this month and shows 3 historic homes and Bothwell Lodge is one of them. - Scroll down to "A Winter's Day at Missouri's Historic Homes", it's about 3/4's the way down. Our RU site sounds nice, please everyone, consider joining us,
contributor or non-contributor it doesn't matter.



This message was edited Jan 13, 2014 8:44 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for that link Will!!

I'm starting a new thread(s) since it appears that May 31rst will work for us.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

New thread!! http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1347516/

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sure, pepper. That lodge looks neat the way it sits up on a bluff.

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