Garden Safe Fungicide 3 vs Azamax

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Off the top of my head, excuse me if I ramble a bit. I'm a huge fan of Azamax. Has changed my life. Has indeed take care of all my bug problems so far. However, since the label and directions do not mention mildew control and I do have some mildew to battle, I bought some Garden Safe Fungicide 3 spray. Does seem to help with the powdery mildew I had on one E. Beech tree. Now I find I also have what I think is powdery mildew on some house plants (white on undersides of leaves, does not seem to be mealy bugs.) My G S Fung 3 bottle was about empty so I bought the concentrate for refills. Of course I had to read the label of the concentrate for mixing directions (odd, none given - web site gave me the answer.) This is when I discovered that G S Fung 3 is nothing but 70% neem oil. Azamax is derived from neem. Am I looking at a water based spray vs an oil based spray? Does that matter? Seems to be a big price difference. Somehow, in the back of my mind, Azamax just seems like a better idea. Can anyone shed some light on this, please?

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

Azamax has one component from Neem that has insecticidal properties: Azadirachtin. So the Azamax has insecticidal activity but not fungicidal. Its a product that has extracted the insecticidal portion of Neem and concentrated it for better activity agaiants insects, mites and nematodes.

The Garden Safe Fungicide 3 spray has both insecticidal and fungicidal properties because it has Neem oil in its entirety.It may not be as effective as the Azamax at controlling insects.

If the idea is just to kill insects, Azamax is your pick. For diseases and insects use Neem (Garden Safe Fungicide 3)

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks, very logical answer. I'll use both then. Gene

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