Heliotrope - common, time to move indoors in Zone 5

Grand Rapids, MI(Zone 5a)

I have had this plant (two) for a couple of years, bought as a houseplant, planted outdoors, then dug up and wintered in heated garage.It did really well this year, but it was somewhat over taken by a large Japanese Silver Grass that hung over it for part of the year. It bloomed well, but got kind of scaggly. I did not realize until reading some posts above, that it wants to be a bush. It did not develop a serious root system, so even though the plants are quite tall, maybe 30", I was able to pot them up into modest sized containers. Next year I will give them a better spot, with less competition, likely a fairly large container. Problem with large containers is they are hard to keep watered when you go away for a week. And, we like large containers to be 'show' plants, and if they do not come thru for you then you end up with a dumpy looking display.anyway, my gardens are all rather crowded, so if I want the plants to have space to spread out and not grow too lopsided, then they need their own space.

Thumbnail by JoniJumpUp
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I Love the smell of heliotrope!

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