Might Garden Showcase be up for some serious work soon?

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

Melody, there are SO MANY problems with Garden Showcase that I decided to wait until problems elsewhere had settled down. Might the techies be planning a long hard look at this tantalizing feature?? When you say "Go," I'll spend some time documenting the problems. But not until then, lest they get lost in the great techie shuffle.


Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

One of the things that keeps me a devoted user (subscriber) of Dave's Garden is the unexpectedly rapid and frank response I get for most questions to Dave's Garden. Has this one gotten lost in the shuffle???


The lead character is a kind of slaggy cloth doll called Whoops. She seems to be newsreader Moira Stewart and has a skirt which expands when she gets energized - which is regularly

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