True Colors

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

I've been frustrated by the fact that that the clematis that I've bought based on descriptions and pictures have not proven to be the colors I've expected. For example, the reds have ended up being more purplish or burgundy or fuchsia than true red. The pinks have been more mauve or violet and paler than true pink, whether I've wanted a light or dark pink. Are there any bright reds or clear pinks?

What are the best true red, dark pink, light pink and purple large flowered clematis you have? I'm looking for vivid or clear, not muted, colors.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

True red is rough. Most lean to the purple side. Bourbon, Niobe, Vino, Ruutel - all are closer to purple here. I hope others chime in with their favorites.

Clear pink - Hagley Hybrid. In shade it looks more like light lavender to my eyes.

Great pink edges on a white flower - Omoshiro. (Leans toward mauve on the reverse side.)

Purple large flowered - my favorite would be Venosa Violacea and it's purple with white.

Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl
Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Rebecca is a true red, the truest red you'll find in a clematis:

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for your suggestions. I actually bought a Venosa Violacea this summer and am anxiously waiting for my first bloom. (next year???)

I had a Rebecca but accidently dug it up. I tried to save it, but think I overwatered it. I've been looking for one because I too thought it was the truest red I'd found. I wouldn't mind having some more red ones.

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