gutter garden

Dearborn, MI

Paulgrow wrote such a awesome article about the gutter garden I started on the roof at my church. The article is
I said I would try to put together some information on the makings of the gutter garden, so here goes.

Thumbnail by nancyruhl Thumbnail by nancyruhl Thumbnail by nancyruhl Thumbnail by nancyruhl
Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

Im glad to see more gutters! Well i tend to call it trough gardening when im explaining it to people, but it is what it is, a gutter lol. It was almost this time last year I started this type of growing, and boy have I had some produce.
This could be a great way for handicapped people to garden or maybe seniors who cant get around as well, or who use a scooter or wheelchair.
I am about to start my brassicas for the winter crop, but in the pic you can see cukes and peppers still loving the TX heat.

alternative gardening, thats my thing


Thumbnail by brandoblues
Dearborn, MI

That is a beautiful garden and so easily accessible. Do you have it hooked up to float valves?

Kemp, TX(Zone 8a)

yes I have the same float valves as you have, and also found cheap float valves at an ace hardware that are used in swamp boxes. I chain all the troughs together with piping and keep a 5 gallon bucket in the greenhouse next to it with a single float valve. the water level in the bucket and the troughs are all the same so i had to take care at making sure everything was perfectly level. I would get more pics but its on its 5th inch of rain in the garden today, a wonderful break in the drought.

what do you use as growing media? I use a product from lowes called landscapers mix by hapi gro. its basically bark and perlite, and i think it does well in a wicking situation. i cover the surface with cypress mulch to insulate the mix. the water wicks higher this way ive seen. no more peat in my mixes.

oh here is a trough i built for a friend of mine, 60 ft of fun growing he had this year.

Thumbnail by brandoblues

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