Hibiscus syriacus 'Sugar Tip' question

West Babylon, NY(Zone 7a)

I read this is sterile and doesn't produce seed pods. However I saw at Home Depot store and one plant has seed pods growing on it. Could it be they are self sterile but with pollen from other rose of Sharon produce seeds? Or mabye seeds are sterile, or most are, because a worker there claims hers gets seed and they sprouted. These labels confuse me I wonder if they just say its sterile when its not, I want seed though so I hope the label is wrong.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I think it is big ploy. I have started tons of seeds from "sterile" plants. I think eventually the plants that have been crossed with other plants might return to it's more natural state but a hibiscus of any type is gorgeous.

Belton, TX

Mine produces pods...and the seeds sprout. However, what I got was certainly not variegated and the bloom is really unappealing...but what really got me is that not one bee, butterfly or hummingbird went near the plant...that was it for me! I seldom compost, but these got ditched. If it won't work for wildlife, it doesn't work for me.

Wheres...the patent laws are fairly specific with what can be marketed on patent plants and what can not. Sterile by USDA definition means the patented plant does not come true from seed....I don't believe it is a ploy. I believe the developer and their representative are complying with the law. It is interesting sometimes with the results, if only to find out which species or hybrids are used as parentage...and sometimes that indicates the true hardiness of the patented plant...

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

The "big ploy" statement is my humor and nothing more. As stated before, mine produce seeds, pretty plants and also bring in hummingbirds as well as butterflies and hummingbird moths.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2013 7:39 AM

West Babylon, NY(Zone 7a)

I am trying to hybridize 'sugar tip' with 'Danica'. If you don't know 'Danica' its a double petaled variety with deep pink and white on the flower, it has variegated flowers. I'm hoping crossing 2 double petaled produces double flowers and somehow I get that with variegated leaves that would be an awesome flower!

The bees visit my sugar tip plant like crazy especially early morning.

Belton, TX

Good luck, Keith...I think the Danica is a great plant and should be used more in the landscape...the sugar tip is so very small that I am still trying to get the right placement for it's best advantage...let me know how it goes!

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