herbs & spices dictionary

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

since we live in an international community [the whole world], this site will come in handy:the site gives translation of herbs & spices name in numerous languages, pictures of the herb for identity, how to grow & used. hope someone will find good use of this site http://www-ang.kfunigraz.ac.at/~katzer/germ/index.html?frames ma vie

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

great site! i've bookmarked it!

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

I agree a great site I bookmarked it too! Thanks so much.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome ;)!

as i surf thru different sites, i have read people of different cultures having problems identifying herbs & spices known to them by their native tongue. it does not make any difference where we are... it is still good to know pertinent information about herbs & spices... specially to those who loves to cook.

often times, watching cooking shows, reading recipes from cookbooks or the internet... it becomes very frustrating to come across some herb/spice unknown to us.

it is indeed my pleasure to share... ma vie

Success, MO

Ma Via,
You continue to AMAZE ME !! You know how long I've been searching for this kinda site !!??

SO glad that English link popped up !! My German is so rusty ! thought i was gonna have to PAY my Son to sit still long enough to translate for me !! This kid ... He kills me,He hates school ... but SO SMART !! He speaks 5 languages , and writes in two of them ! Ever try to write of speak Russian ? NO WAY !! Thou I can get enough of if to know if I need to smack him for the bad words!! LOL

Thank you!!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

if you like this site, go to the Recipe Forum, check my thread on 'Favorite Asian recipes' - this site is not only filled with recipe, tons of tips and how to's.

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