New at Vines

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)


I have never grown vines before, but I'd like to begin at the beginning. Can anyone suggest an easy flowering perennial vine that I could still grab at the store this late in the season?

I am also a cheapskate, so if I can't buy a vine, I do have a Virginia creeper that grows on the chicken pen that I'd like to start elsewhere (under carefully controlled conditions—having read how vigorous it is). And I have a cutting of a Wisteria vine from my neighbor currently rooting in a pot of good soil outdoors.

But I could use a suggestion as to a hardy perennial, EASY flowering vine that might be had for a discount at the nursery due to summer's end.

I am in the mid-Atlantic, zone 7a.

Thanks so much.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Just go to any nursery or box store (Walmart, Lowe's, etc.) and ask those in the garden center. Lowe's always has a mark-down area, so just do the footwork and you'll find something.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

You didn't mention how large your property is. You mentioned you had started rooting a wisteria..Wisteria is a very heavy vine and needs a very strong arbor to hold it once it gets growing. Something I had at my previous home was a Orange trumpet vine. I saw them all over Greece when we were there in 1990 and the next spring, I ordered one from a well known plant nursery. It grows fast and I planted it next to our storage shed and it has like suction cups/tendicles that latched onto the roof. When it bloomed it was a sight for sore eyes..beautiful. I loved that vine. When it is finished blooming, it will drop seeds everywhere you don't want them,especially in windy weather, you will even see them popping up in your lawn, new starts..

What about a climbing rose? There are many beautiful varieties. What about a clematis? bouglouvilla or madavilla vine? Morning glories, moonflower..I'm sure I've missed some but it all depends on how much property you have and how much work you want to put into getting it started and maintained later.

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

I have one acre. Trumpet vine grows all over the roadsides around here; it's a bit common, and I would rather have a less bold (less orange-y) color. Clematis sounds like a good one. I want something that doesn't require a ton of care to keep alive and that will stay alive over the winter. A climbing rose would be awesome. Thanks for the ideas.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

In zone 7, most vines will lose their leaves - I don't know of one that will retain its green leaves unless you choose boston ivy.

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

I don't mind if the vine loses its leaves over winter; I just would rather not have to keep planting an annual vine. Any perennial vine will do, no matter how bare-looking it will get.

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