I hate rain...

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

Such frustration with my garden plants lately. Because we cant seem to have ONE, SINGLE, DAY, without rain, many of my tomato plants are crying out in bloody murder, lol. And i am sure many of you also feel my pain. Several plants have contracted blight, and any tomato that nears ripening decides to crack (and if i dont bring the damaged toms inside a.s.a.p., then the stink bugs will carve out a nice hollow where the cracks are), and i am REALLY bummed about the absolute largest tomato that was growing on all of my plants, just as it was starting to get some good color, i come out there to find rotting spots all along the bottom.

Such a horrid year for growing nearly anything really, as my squash vine and zucchini both died to crown rot, and the cucumber died to mildew.

Maybe i should consider bog plants ;) LOL!

Thumbnail by jmc1987 Thumbnail by jmc1987 Thumbnail by jmc1987 Thumbnail by jmc1987
Calgary, Canada

We gardeners have to take the good with the bad some years.

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

oh yeah definitely.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

4 years ago , the bog as you said here , same thing then , last year drought .. Well odds on 50/50 . Got a few things from the garden 2 out of 4 years ..
Seeing it that way is even worse ...

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

yeah, crazy how random each year can be, i guess that is what keeps things interesting huh? lol :)

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

We have had a disappointing harvest year to date but drought years are always the worst. After many years in the garden I try to stay positive. Maybe it's Pollyanna but I have come to appreciate the many hours and days I'll not have to spend canning, pickling and preserving. I'm thinking this means more dinners out or more creative dishes using produce from our local farmers market that I don't grow this winter. :) Though we are not vegetarian we eat little meat while relying heavily on our homegrown produce. A bad season is a blow.

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