mystery wildflowers part 2

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Plant #1 is about 1 foot tall and the flower is lavender-colored. I believe the other ones are some type of aster, mistflower, some type of milkweed and goldenrod, in that order. More precise identifications would be welcome (although I do feel lazy not looking them up myself). Also blooming in the woods, though not photographed: cardinal flowers, partridge pea and jewelweed (latter just starting to bloom).

Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1 Thumbnail by Muddy1
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I'm not feeling any less lazy- a close up of a flower on the 'milkweed' would help. Is that the same in 4 and 5?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Could #1 be a Ruellia sp.?

#3 is a mistflower, which I learned as Eupatorium coelestinum.

#4 is a Goldenrod (Solidago sp., the yellow one) with another Joe Pye Weed behind it.

#5 looks like a Joe Pye Weed to me - probably one like Eupatorium maculatum.

All the composites have different names that I haven't learned yet...this one is apparently Eutrochium now.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

#1 looks more like a Ruellia than anything else I've seen; however, it doesn't have uniform petals; it has more of a snapdragon-like flower. #5 is the same plant as the one behind the Goldenrod, so Eupatorium maculatum it is. Thanks!

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #1 is Mimulus ringens. The common name is Allegheny monkey flower and it's a native.

Photo #2 is an aster or boltonia. I need to see more of the plant, not just the flowers, to ID it.

Photo #3 is indeed mistflower.

Photo #4 is boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum

Oops! Too many tabs open.... I cut and pasted Muddy's photo.... here's the one I meant to paste-

Photo #5 is probably Spotted Joe Pye weed. There are 2 other species, coastal Joe Pye and
hollow Joe Pye. They look very similar.

This message was edited Aug 29, 2013 9:12 AM

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Forgot to add that photo #4 has a Solidago, goldenrod but I'm not sure which species. There are several species native to your area.

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone!
I thought #1 looked like a monkey flower, but the only photos I saw were of yellow ones and so I dismissed that as a possibility. I'm happy to be able to attach another name to the photos I'm collecting of plants in the woods near me.

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