Weeping mulberry disease?

Pulaski, WI

I have 3 Chaparrel Weeping Mulberry trees (non-fruiting). The oldest started with brown spots on leaves a few years ago, they'd turn yellow and drop-typically mid to late summer. Tried treating with a fungicide at the time but it didn't help. Fast forward to this year where now all 3 have it! I've cleaned up the areas every year and burned the leaves. Haven't treated this year because I don't know what I'm dealing with. Some online sites say it may be a disease that can actually kill the tree. I can't find good pics that match what mine look like. Attached are pics I took today. I'm new to the forum so sorry if this is a long post or a repeat but I can't find info on the issue whe doing a search. Any advice would be appreciated!

Pulaski, WI

Sorry pics didn't attach. Here they are...new at this!

Thumbnail by LorpH Thumbnail by LorpH Thumbnail by LorpH Thumbnail by LorpH Thumbnail by LorpH
Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

The round spots are likely cercospora leaf spot.

This is a fungal disease. When symptoms first begin apply a fungicide like Daconil (chlorothalonil) rotated with copper at 7-10 day application intervals as needed. Most fungicides are preventive in their control...so starting late may stop further spread but usually wont cure the disease you see now.

Its good to use good cultural practices as you are using by collecting and burning the leaves to reduce inuculum. Since you have had the disease in the past it may continue in future years until you get it under control. Inoculum comes from old dead leaves where it overwinters.

High rainfall exacerbates this disease.

Fertilizing a tree with adequate nitrogen also helps


Pulaski, WI

Excellent news! Thank you for the information...happy to hear it is something I can control over time. I'll be sure to do a good job of clean up and start treatment as soon as I see signs of trouble next spring. Have a great evening!

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