plant/rhizome give-away

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I am giving away 'Sunset' Canna and 'White Butterfly' Ginger. Just pay postage. Send me a D-Mail if interested. Ken

Thumbnail by drdawg43 Thumbnail by drdawg43
Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I am still waiting for several people who said they wanted one or both of these plants, but have not sent postage. I have your plants put aside but need you to send the postage so that I can move them out. Please take care of the postage through PayPal. Thanks. Ken

Center, TX

Hi Kirkkr, do you still have any left. would love to have some of both. I will send postage first. Let me know. Alda

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Alda, I may or may not have any ginger and canna. It just depends on whether those who said they wanted them, but who then did not pay postage, take care of their business. I have given them until today to either pay the postage or have their requests cancelled. I want to ship out what I have left no later than Monday. I have spent too much time and effort shipping out over a dozen boxes already and need to move on with my tropical plant business.

I will put you on my list and let you know if I have some available. To save time, please send me your complete mailing address and your PayPal account name (probably your email address). Send that info via D-Mail so that it stays private.

Thanks for your interest.

Ken Ramsey

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Just wanted you to know that the plants arrived the other day and were packed and looked great. Thank you so much for sending those, I'm sure I'll get lots of satisfaction from them over the years.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Ken, I have been in Chicago for a week but have gotten a tracking notice that you shipped my box last week. So thank you for that. My house-sitter has strict instructions on how to unpack the rhizomes & keep moist till I get home.

C'mon people!!! If you sign up for plants on this forum, pay IMMEDIATELY! Ken is a businessman & we are fortunate that he shares with us; please do not alienate him.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

P.S.: Ken, if you still have such wonderful plantz going begging, put them in a big box & I will take them all, parcel them out to my friends if necessary. Just let me know the postage cost. Would be a shame for them to be tossed aside because people here are ungrateful & unreliable.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I would love some of each if you still have them. Let me know how much and your paypal and I can get it to you as soon as I get back on here. If you don't have any Thanks so much for the offer.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks to all of you who responded to my plant/rhizome give-a-way. You helped me create some space in my landscape that I badly needed. I just got back from a 7-day white-water rafting trip down the Salmon River in Idaho and am now up to my eyeballs with plants to ship out (that's my business). When I wade through all my orders and get them shipped, I will see what I have and will let those of you who still want free plants know.

It may be next week before I can tell you anything. I leave for Houston, TX Friday, for our first football game to be played in Reliant Stadium Saturday.

Ken Ramsey, Certified Mississippi Master Gardener

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

I just got home from Chicago to find beautiful clumpz of canna & ginger soaking in the kitchen sink thanks to my house-sitter Melyn.

AND 2 laminated ID tagz PLUS care sheets. Ken is a pro.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Lily. You are very kind. I always send laminated tags and care instructions with my plants, whether gifted or sold. Ken

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Hello Ken,

Do you have any of the 'White Butterfly' ginger left?



Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks for your interest, Evelyn. I just returned home after being out-of-town for three days, and I have a lot of plants that have been purchased and need to be invoiced and shipped. When I have a break I will see what ginger I can come up with. I probably can put together a 2-3 lb. box for you. From experience (I ship plants all over the country), I can tell you that your shipping cost will be approximately $14.95. Shipping to the Pacific Time Zone states is the most expensive for me. I don't charge anything for the packaging.

To save time, I use PayPal. If that is OK with you, please send me your PayPal account name (probably your email address) and your full shipping address. I can invoice you for the actual USPS Priority Mail cost when I get the box together, weigh it, and plug in your full shipping address.

Ken Ramsey, Certified Mississippi Master Gardener

Center, TX

Hey Ken, I got my plants on Sat. and they were beautiful. Which ones did you send. One was marked blackberry lilly but the other was not marked. And thanks so much. alday

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Alda, I think I sent you the wrong label. You should have gotten a label for the 'White Butterfly' ginger (the green plants and perhaps rhizomes) and the 'Sunset' canna (has some maroon coloration in stems/leaves). I do have 'Blackberry' lily but it is a totally different looking plant and I would not have sent it.

You should have gotten "care" sheets on both the canna and ginger.

What can I say - I'm old! LOL

Center, TX

Hey Ken, I thought one was ginger but what do I know? I'm thrilled with what I rec'd. Can't wait for blooms, alday

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Alda. Ken

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Riosamba, I assume since you never paid for postage, you are no longer interested in the ginger/canna give-away. If that is not correct, please contact me.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Ken ~ Are you recommending these both be planted in full sun? I was thinking that the ginger would like a part sun space in my hot summer area, and the canna in full sun. What do you say about these two?

Are they both hardy to zone 7? I am in zone 8, but sometimes we have rather changeable weather from hot to cold or warm to cold, then warm, then freeze or snow.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

You are basically in the same USDA zone as I. Both will be very hardy, dying back in the fall and then returning in the spring. I only suggest mulching over the rhizomes IF the ground freezes, and that's highly unlikely in our zones.

My ginger and canna grow in the same grouping and get 8-10 hr. of sun each day. The ginger blooms better, as does the canna, in full sun. They do drink lots of water though, so try to keep them hydrated.


mulege, Mexico

Ken, If you have any more plants please shoot me a D-mail. I'll be going to Ca. in a week or so and can have you send them there. LMK and I'll send you Paypal $$ immediately. thanks, katie

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Thank you. We might be in the same zones for cold, but our summers are a lot hotter and drier here. I can keep the shade garden watered, but the sunny ones are much more of a challenge, especially in August. I have more of them (the sunny ones) and it is hard to get them all watered at once. That is why I would like to put the ginger in the part sun/shade area, and the canna with more sun. Yeah, I know, the canna likes a lot of water, too. I will see what I can do.

This message was edited Sep 5, 2013 12:56 PM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Just noticed not many has left Ken feedback. Please lets all leave him feedback to what a generous DGer he is. For such a generous off he has made and sent to so many it is the very least we can do.

Thanks Ken for your generousity!!!!

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Sandy.

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I am in the process of cutting back all my Canna Indica 'Sunset' and 'White Butterfly' ginger. The only thing I will leave up are ginger stalks with newly formed "cones". They are continuing to bloom.

I have exposed a lot of nice, plump rhizomes now that the stalks are out of the way. If anyone has interest in ginger/canna for the cost of postage, I will be glad to ship you 2-3 lbs. of it. Shipping costs $9.95 to $14.95 (Pacific Time Zone is most expensive) for a 2-3 lb. box.

Contact me via Tree-Mail with your full shipping address and PayPal account name if you want these rhizomes. I will invoice you through PayPal or will accept cash/check if you prefer not to use PayPal.

I took these two photos at sunrise today.


Thumbnail by drdawg43 Thumbnail by drdawg43
Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Ken ~ Wow, those are awesome rhizomes! That is a very generous offer! Much better than any nursery would do for 3 times the price!

I planted them in the sunny part of the shady gardens so they would be sure to get the water they needed, especially in summer. It is very dry and hot here, so good for the canna, but I have no experience with ginger.

I have never grown any kind of them before. Can they take the extreme heat that we have? Sometimes in the 90's for many days in a row. It used to be just in the 80's when I first moved here.

I just hope I don't kill them....I put them right next to an Anchusa 'Dropmore' which should bloom in spring. I don't think they will do much together. On the other side of that is 3 Achillea 'Anthea'. I will see how they look or if I need to move them. I will be dividing them anyway. I did when I planted them, and now they need it again!

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

Last summer we had 10 days with temperatures 103-108 F! Our heat index was 115-120 F. This summer was milder, only 30 or so days above 90 F, but no 100's. The ginger can take it! The difference is that it is always humid here. We don't know what "dry-heat" means. LOL Give both the canna and ginger lots of water, plenty of sun, and just follow the instructions you got with the plants. If you see the tips/borders of the leaves browning - more water is needed. The plants certainly won't die, but they won't be a pretty as you would want.

I am glad you are pleased with what you got.


Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Hello Ken,

I was just wondering if you still had some of the white butterfly ginger rhizomes??? They are my country's national flower plus I absolutely love the fragrance !!! If so please let me know and I'll D-mail you my info.
Thank you;

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I can send you some nice, plump 'White Butterfly' ginger rhizomes, Rolando. Just send me your complete mailing address and your PayPal account name. I will weigh a 2-3 lb. box of rhizomes and invoice you the shipping cost.

Ken, Certified Mississippi Master Gardener

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Ken I received my package and it wonderful. I absolutely love the color of the leaves on the canna you send. It is suppose to cool off this weekend so I can play in the dirt. I am so tired of staying in in this heat I may play if it pours down rain.

I am so excited to get these. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Starkville, MS(Zone 8a)

I am glad you are pleased.


Mesilla Park, NM

I have to say that the professionalism that kirkkr showed in sending these free cannas and butterfly gingers was far superior to companies and plants I've ordered from some other mail order places.

The laminated labels and instructions on top of the great packaging really stands out. I am sure that everyone of us that were on the receiving end all agree on this.

Thank you very much and I will treasure this gift.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

The laminated labels and instructions on top of the great packaging really stands out. I am sure that everyone of us that were on the receiving end all agree on this.

I totally agree!!!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

DITTO!!! Thanks again, Ken. Wonderful plants, packaging and excellent labels. Better than any other plants I have received through the mail. ^_^

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