Fails To Flower

Marshfield, MO

Perhaps someone here can help me.

My husband brought me some cuttings from a co-worker's Hoya carnosa some 10 years ago. He'd had the pleasure of being in her house one day when it was flowering, and he couldn't stop raving about its heavenly scent. He said the blooms were big, waxy, white clusters that dripped sticky nectar so heavily the woman had to place newspapers underneath to catch it all. So she was kind enough to give him a few cuttings to bring home to me.

I rooted and potted them up in one hanging pot and placed them in a sunny window. They grew very nicely, but no blooms. The woman had warned us that it could be at least 5 years before we could expect flowers, so we were patient.

We've moved to a couple different states since then, and for the past 6 years its been in an east-facing window. The year after it was placed in this window it did ~ FINALLY ~ begin creating blossoms (we had repotted it, BTW, about 3 months prior to the formation of the blossoms). The first cluster was the largest. A total of about 12 flower clusters began, but all but that first one stopped forming, then just died off. The first one hung in there for about 10 days or so but it, too, finally gave up. It never did fully develop and there was no scent whatsoever.

We repotted the plant last year. Same pot, just new soil, but still nothing. How can I get this plant to bloom??? Does it need extra watering during a certain time of year? Food?

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Do you put your plants outside during the summer or is it inside all year long? Do you give your plants fertilizer? My plants like the heat of the summer and spring here in Texas. I have my plants under a covered pergola which blocks approx. 50% of direct sun, but still 50% of the sun. They love the heat and humidity hear. When I bring them in during the cold hours not months. They don't bloom . They don't seem to like movement or change in temps for me. They love rain water. I pretty much just leave mine outside let nature take over. I will water a couple of days when we don't get any rain. I have found with some plants if you mess with them too much they die or do nothing. I probably don't give enough food. I should do better in the field. I am no expert for sure, but I hope I helped you.
Don't give up on your hoya. Good luck .

Marshfield, MO

Thank you, Rose! We live in sw Missouri and I would wager this Hoya would very much appreciate being outdoors in the heat and high humidity of summer. Perhaps that's what's missing. I'll give that a try and see if it helps. We still may not get any flowers this year because half the warm season is over now, but if I get it out earlier next year maybe we'll be rewarded.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Your welcome. If you can put it under a grow lamps this winter it will help. A sunny window without draft will help also.
Looking forward to seeing it bloom too.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi All,

Is this plant a Hoya?

If so, can I grow it inside?

If not, do you know what plant it is?

Also, are these plants good as hanging plants????

Thanks All,


Thumbnail by Degarotty Thumbnail by Degarotty Thumbnail by Degarotty
Athens, PA

Your plant looks like a Peperomia to me - especially with the brachts that you have on them. There are a number of peperomia species and yours looks so healthy. If I had one, I would be growing it inside.

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Yes, grow your Peperomia inside. Sorry, It is not a hoya.

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