Anyone else having this problem with their trade list?

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

I am curious if this is only going on over on my side. But i have noticed that the usual options on the extreme right side of a plant entry on my trade list is not there anymore (the section that allowed you to enable, disable, delete, etc) a plant on your list. Also i have noticed some plants that i have had disabled on my Have list, no longer show up, the only way i see that i still have it in my "have" list, is if i go to that actual plant entry and see my name still on the list of members who have, and want a plant.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I (thought) I had the same problem before. But I found out that it depends on how you enter your tradelist. If you enter it via 'jmc1987 tradelist', it will show it like other people see it, so disabled plants are not shown and it's not possible to enable, disable, delete, etc. anything.
But if you enter your tradelist via 'my tradelist', it will show you the options of enable, disable, etc. again and you will also see the plants you disabled

Cascade, VA(Zone 7a)

oh...big Duh on my part, lol! I see what you are talking about now. Thanks!

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