Meet Alice - my Maidenhair Fern

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

This is Alice.

I gave her a name because like all my critters, she needs attention everyday.

I have never had a maidenhair fern but have loved them from afar. I found them in the flower dept of a grocery last spring and bought one for me and one for my BF's mom for Mother's day.

hers died within a week or two she confided later. While I struggled to find the right growing conditions, determined not to lose her.

I settled on a self-watering pot which at the time was perfect! She began to thrive, New fronds coming forth regularly. If the water dipped too low and I missed it, she would brown afterwards. Then she'd get a haircut.

It wasn't until this spring that I gave her a name. I realized that the water reservoir did not hold enough water to last very long so I took out the actual pot and settled her into a larger Tupperware, then a larger Tupperware still until we arrived at the arrangement in the picture.

She is in a west, north-west facing window where she gets much light reflected from the white house next door. She is hiding behind the window frame and doesn't get much late afternoon sun at all.

I don't think the situation is ideal, but it's the best I've been able to fashion. She is probably ready to step up to a new pot, but I have no idea where to start and can't afford to hire her a handmaiden.

Any thoughts on how to care for Alice at this stage? I am constantly pulling her hair back to see if the new frond are green or if they are shriveling due to some mishap on my part. Her leaf tips show little brown dots sometimes, sometimes yellow. I assume this is a water issue.

Thanks in advance for any ideas/guidance.


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
noonamah, Australia

Maidenhairs are beautiful ferns but they like high humidity and don't like it too hot. You want to make sure the water in the bowl doesn't get stagnant. Make sure you change it regularly. And flush the pot regularly to prevent any build up of salts. Good if you can water it with rain water. Tap water often has a lot of chemicals in it..

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