Redheaded Pine SawflyNeodiprion lecontei

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

Is there any effective treatment? After the Alabama tornadoes in 2011 wiped an area clean, my family replanted longleaf pines in an affected area. Now the growing pines are being defoliated. with these worms. It isn't just one or two trees but a multitude of seedlings that were lovingly planted at some expense.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

I would look for an insecticide that you mix with water and apply to the soil around the plant. The insecticide is absorbed through the roots and into the plant. When the sawflies attack the plant, they will die. It takes a few weeks to get absorbed so a fast acting product should also be used to kill the current infestation. These products usually last for 12 months before another application is needed. I checked the products I use in the garden and Bonide's Tree and Shrub insect control is labeled for sawfly larvae but I didn't have the full label in front of me to check for the adults. They carry the product at Home Depot.

Central, AL(Zone 8a)

Thank you so much for this info!

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