Looking for a Desert Rose

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I would so love to find a Desert Rose. I have looked in our local nurseries but to no avail. I would even buy it from you if you are selling them. I would have in the past made a pine needle basket in trade but I can't do that anymore as I developed an allergy to pine needles much to my dismay. Please let me know if you have one for sale or maybe I can work out some sort of trade

Blackshear, GA

Have you found one?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

well, not exactly. I have if I can find something to trade with. Do you have one?

Blackshear, GA

I have this one....

Looks a little bad, because I let it get dry the other day when I was gone for a few days.

I have been meaning to repot it, it was like that when I bought it.

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I was at our local Lowes yesterday,(a big box home improvement store) and they had scads of them! I'm surprised that you can't find any locally...

Blackshear, GA

Its hard to find them here and I am only an hour from you. You would be surprised at the difference just an hour makes. I make special trips to Jax and Fernandina just to shop the Lowes down there because they have great stuff. Ours has 'common' stuff and then its half dead most of the time. You have great nurseries in Jax. My favorite is Trad's. Do you know of any others that has unusual things?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, we are in a rural community on the Oregon coast and there isn't any regular nurseries but there are a couple of big box stores but they haven't had any either.I love that one you have GA girl but It would probably cost a stickin fortune to ship. I would love to have it if it isn't an arm and a leg in shipping and plant cost. Please let me know. I have a smaller one coming but see if you can find out how much the shipping would be.
Thank you all so much.

Blackshear, GA

Well, I'm fairly certain it would fit in a medium flat rate box which is 11.35/12.35 if I took it out of the container. I can check and see approx how much it would be just priority, but the distance is going to be the factor. I'll let you know.

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