Do I have a Royal Palm problem?

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Noticed that our largest royal is dropping individual strands off the fronds. It looks a little droopy compared to another near it. Any suggestions? Normal? Trouble?

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Trying to upload some images

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Can't upload photos from my iPad... Hmmmmmm

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

The first picture is of the palm that is not dropping strands. The second picture shows the base of the tree that is dropping strands. The third picture shows the palm that is dropping strands.

Thumbnail by LAKelley2 Thumbnail by LAKelley2 Thumbnail by LAKelley2
Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

There is an entire frond that is getting ready to come off, but I've never seen one drop the individual strands before (sorry, don't know what else to call them).

noonamah, Australia

They're the leaflets, looks like something is chewing them off. I get that happening with various tall palms but it never seems bad enough to affect the whole tree itself. There are some butterfly larvae that roll the leaflets and live protected inside. Of course they eat the leaflets as well. Sometimes I get half a frond chewed through and dropped to the ground. That's usually the Cockatoos doing it. I'd just keep an eye on it to see whether there's too much stripping of the fronds to the point of becoming a bit bare. Otherwise, nature has its way of pruning back without significant damage and plants can cope.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope you are right, Tropic! This is my FAVE palm. Thanks for the reply!

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Found out there was a squirrel nesting in the tree and for some reason, it was chewing the leaflets off!!

noonamah, Australia

At least the mystery's solved. Reminds me of one of Aesops fables.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

:-). Silly squirrels!

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