About Mid atlantic Swaps

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Please post here your comments and questions, for any Noobs, lurkers, or just shy potential swappers, about how Swaps work.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Generally, we usually each post a list of the plant items we will have to offer. Then others look at your list and ask for things they particularly want.
"Quality" ranges from grown in individual pot, to ripped from the ground the day of swap. "If it'll grow, it can go" you might say. And each plant item should be labeled as best you know it, common name, Latin if you like, cultivar or NOID.

Day of swap usually finds we have all brought extra items, more of what we've posted , or late entries we find in the garden. All very casual though. We also like to have people who don't have much in the garden yet and accept a lot of overflow.

Aside from plant material, we potluck the food and drinks and other details. There may be a gift table that we all put a white elephant type thing on, then draw names and pick something.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Swaps are great fun. Don't feel you need to bring a lot of plants, it isn't a one for one swap more of a plant free for all. We love finding people that need a lot of plants.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

It is organized chaos at time. I look forward to it! If it is on a Sunday this year, maybe we can watch the redskins game? :)

There are always new faces, old jokes, and recycled plants. You can always find somebody to take what you brought with you.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Maybe we should start a HAVE/WANT thread in preparation for the fall swap? Every time I see a plant in my garden that I want to divide, I think about a swap list :o)

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Gotta hand it to you 'Skins fans, always optimistic.... ;)

Holly, I am one of those people!

Sounds like lots of fun, do people generally bring family (read: kids)?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

For anyone thinking about hosting a Swap, you also have to "monitor" all these Threads...
Normally, there are at least 4 Threads running before a Swap.

1--The Hostess will Post the date the time, the directions and such. This is where you can post
anything relevant to "facts" to do with the Swap
2--There will be a"Haves and Wants" Thread where you list what you HAVE . As you find you have more
of this and that to offer, you edit your Posted "haves" list to keep it updated. This is also where you keep a list
of what you have promised others. This is NOT a Thread for chatting or yakking or asking for plants.
3--The Chating and talking and asking questions re plants-Thread is the fun one...It can go to many parts..
4--Then there is the "sign up for what dish you are bringing" Thread. NEVER a lack of food at these orgies...
5--Lastly--AFTER the Swap there is a Thread to ask questions about plants you got, names.
growing info--and more chatting.

To ME--having to monitor all these Threads--IF I was hosting a Swap--is the most intimidating thing.
It is also VERY time-consuming...I am NOT that computer savvy....

Swaps are VERY informal. It is advisable, though, for you to bring a small table and a chair.
They are also one of the great ways to put faces to names...
And--as Sally said above--if you don't have any plants to bring--you are still most welcome to come.
You WILL NOT go home empty-handed!


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I am not very computer savvy either, but found that monitoring the threads from the spring meet was a fun thing to do.(once I learned how to copy and paste) Basically kept track of how long it got before i started a continuation thread.

I do wish though I had gotten to everyone's area personally. Sorry about that.

Yes, kids come and family and friends even!! The more the merrier.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I think it made good sense to have all of the Swap threads 'stickied' at the top of our forum. Kept them all together and easy to find.

We could start a
Fall 2013 Swap: Have and Want Plant List (tentative) and
Fall 2013 Swap: Have and Want Discussion

and then ask DG Admin to sticky them . (Best these 'stickied' threads not have thumbnail pictures to denote them as they are already prominent by first on the list position...) even though we don't have any details of when or where.

We could also send out a group Dmail to get potential attendees to check in and state any of their preferences for date and place. Right now that would be Sallyg's on Sat Sept 14 or 28 with an option of Sundays in Sept. ?

My advice is to attend a Swap before hosting one! I think Jill/Critterologist has a gathering planned for Oct 12? Aspenhill was 'thinking' about hosting another swap at her place????

This message was edited Jul 18, 2013 6:39 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Typwc,Oh yes we do have kids at some of the swaps and other friends and family members as well.
Jan, I never get to talk to everyone when I am hosting. Seems like there is never enough time to talk to everyone as much as I would like.
Coleup, I loved having the Haves Wants Thread stickied. It always gets lost and the Original Plant Swap Info Thread, too. The chat threads always get enough posts to keep them current and usually there are more than one of those till swap time.

Parkville, MD(Zone 7b)

Ok so when swap time comes, people haul stuff out of their trunks and set up stations? If you have made agreements with someone to give them a plant, do they come to you and pick it up? or do you take it to them? How do you avoid this being complete chaos?

I don't think I'm in a location where I can host. Rowhouse-sized yard with street parking only.

Sounds like fun and I'm excited already!

Crozet, VA

Swaps are definitely something that I look forward to each fall and spring. I have met a group of people whom I consider to be some of the very best all around people that I have met during all my years. My hat is off and I greatly appreciate all the homes and gardens which have been opened up to us as a group for such an enjoyable day. Hosting is no small chore and the hosts have certainly brought a lot of joy to a lot of people.

Over the years of attending these events I have grown both my indoor and outdoor collection of plants......I have been given some extraordinary plants at these functions and had the opportunity to share plants that I don't have space for....it is always a win win situation.

Great topic Sally, very interesting to hear folks thoughts on them. I vote to keep having them.....hahaha


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

We all get name tags, and it really doesn't matter if you go to the plant giver or they find you. The swap lasts several hours. It helps if you have a tag on the plant saying what it is and who it is for, but there is lots of visiting, people helping others unpack, and eventually the people and plants get matched up. There are photos on this forum from past swaps, and that might give you more of an idea of things. As Ruby said, you meet some great people.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for all the info--sounds like so much fun!! I'm really looking forward to meeting you all in person, in addition to enjoying the plants!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Personally--I like to give away all my promised plants to everyone first.
Sometimes that is not so easy--as there is always someone I only know
from posting on DG--but have no idea what they look like.

***whatever happened to the nice idea of everyone posting a picture
of themselves under preferences???? Then--all someone has to do is
click on your name and scroll down and there is a picture of you.
You can check it out by clicking on my name...I have a picture--a bit old...
need to get someone to tale a "glamor shot" of me so i can update it.

Anyway--there are also people that come much later--and then one has to
wait until they arrive before all the plants have been passed out.
THEN--I can relax--have a drink, chow down on some food and be happy.

NOW--everyone--PLEASE post a picture of yourself......Thank you!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

A few weeks after I joined DG back in the spring of 2008, I attended my first swap at Becky's place. I was a little tentative about going because I didn't have much to share and didn't know anyone or what to expect. I was amazed at how welcoming and generous everyone was. I was hooked and have wanted to spend time with these mid-atlantic gardeners ever since. I love the get togethers, and knowing the faces and seeing the gardens gives a whole different perspective when chatting on line. The other great thing is that my garden is not just a collection of plants, it is a collection of memories of the great friends and the fun times we have shared.

I hosted a spring swap a few years ago. It was so nice to be able to share what I've done with people who enjoy gardening as much as I do. I don't think I stopped smiling from ear to ear all day.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

avoid complete chaos?? Um no we pretty much have that...in a nice way.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

It is organized chaos. A whirlwind. Get there early and stay late.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It is definitely chaotic - and the big swaps are almost overwhelming. Each of us handle swaps in our own way. Me, I like it when people ask for plants in advance. That way I can collect all the plants for one person in a box (or whatever) and put that person's name on it. So I spend the first hour or so seeking out the people for whom I have boxes and making those deliveries. I don't worry much about plants I've requested -- either they show up or not.

We are supposed to bring tables to display all the plants we have brought that no one already has dibs for, but I usually forget. Some people set up gorgeous displays. I love looking at everyone's tables. There isn't much of a one-for-one sense. Most of us bring extra plants we have that we are happy to have go to another home.

And what plants do people want? That tends to go in cycles. For years, no one wanted my Slender Deutzia (a favorite and underappreciated shrub) -- then this spring there was a run on the bank! No one has ever wanted my Spiraea Anthony Waterer, but I'll keep offering it because it is easy to propagate, and you never know when it'll strike someone's fancy. Everyone ends up knowing that I have tons of Ajuga, and Woodland Poppy, and Begonia Grandis, and ....

It is really really helpful if you can label each plant you bring to a swap with the plant name (including cultivar, if known), and YOUR name with a waterproof pen -- there is nothing worse than getting home and forgetting what a plant is or who gave it to you. Old mini-blinds work wonderfully as labels (thank you, ssgardener) and Critterologist usually has a great supply of paint markers available for a few cents.

But the most fun is getting to put faces to the DG names and hear everyone talk. That way the posts on DG seem much as if someone is actually talking to you....

By the way, Catmint, there also are some wonderful local (DC-area) non-Daves Garden plant club swaps ssgardener and I can tell you about as well.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I can't post pics from the iPad. Sorry. I could for a very short time using icab, but that isn't possible anymore.. That's why I don't post any pics.

Swaps are wonderful! Have only been to a couple so far.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Talking about Begonia Grandis, My neighbor works for Hershey Gardens and last week on a walk about the gardens I was showing them to him. He never saw them before and said they don't have them at the gardens. So I gave him a nice chunk of them to plant in one of their shade beds. Also printed out the Plantfiles info on them.

Crozet, VA

Reading and hearing everyones input on the swaps is great fun.....I agree with pretty much everything that has been said.....a lot of fun for all.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

There are some photos from Jan's swap here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1313367/

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

thanks, Happy--I'm really looking forward to meeting you and hearing more about DC area activities! And thanks for the photos--looks like so much fun. I can hardly wait!! :-)

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

We should have a local meet-and-greet!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Happy, that's a great idea! I think we have several people right here in this area!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

We do indeed. We should probably wait until the weather breaks, though; it has been so unpleasant.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

yes, every time we get a thunderstorm I cross my fingers, but so far the heat and humidity just keep hanging there...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

The next few weekends are kind of crazy for me, but I'd love a local meet and greet!

I was invited to visit another Silver Spring DGer just before my first swap. Swaps can be kind of overwhelming, so it was great to see a familiar face.

I wonder how Pippi's doing. Haven't seen her post here lately.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Good point, SS, about meeting prior to the swap. Would be great to meet you, Happy, and others.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, Pippi hasn't posted in ages. She had her hands full on the home front -- I hope all is going ok.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Swap times usually get people reporting in and catching up specially when word goes out that there will be one!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Wish I lived closer.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from ROSES_R_RED :
Wish I lived closer.

yes the down side is that we are so spread out. I'm glad Jan was able to do the spring one and help out the northeast.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Swap? Did someone mention swap? ^_^ Yes - the swaps are successful at bringing out us slackers that are MIA for periods of times. I'm biased of course - but we've got the best bunch of folks ever!! Five years of 'family reunions...it's great!!!

This message was edited Jul 21, 2013 11:31 PM

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Heehee Chantell!!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Catmint and Typ, we're doing a group buy of spring bulbs. This is separate from the fall swap.

Check out this post and let us know if you have any questions:


These prices are fantastic! We got lily bulbs this year for about a dollar per bulb, which is a great deal.

Our super organized DGer Critterologist is in charge of keeping track of the orders. Btw, that is one thing that really impressed me about this group -- their organizational skills! I've been to other local swaps, but they tend to be rather haphazard affairs. This group is so organized that it makes it so much easier for the less organized to join the group. ;)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey Sallyg Since no one else has come forward to host a Fall Swap this year, could you start a thread so we can discuss dates to meet for a swap at your house?

If anyone out there is considering hosting a Swap this fall speak now or forever hold your piece! lol


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

What she said...

I hate to think that mid September is only two months away...waaahhhh summer flies too fast in some ways.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I agree, I'm still planting as if it were April and I had months ahead of me. And the weeds! I'll never catch up!

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