my poor eggplant

Laie, HI(Zone 11)

halp! this eggplant was doing beautifully when I went to bed last night. it had blooms and everything! I wake this morning before dawn to this. only thing I did yesterday was move it from against the wall between another eggplant and red passion fruit to a spot on the lanai ( where it can get more sun) next to the tomatoes and squash. is it stressed or is it something else? I was planning to feed all of my fruiting plants epsom salts (1T in 1 gallon water) today. Will this help or make it worse?

p.s. yes I'm going to move it back. yes that's a squash plant with powdery mildew behind it. it's turning around. all of the new leaves are healthy--i just need to cut that leaf and a few others off.

thanks in advance for any advice you have. I'm a newbie.

Thumbnail by chrianna
Laie, HI(Zone 11)

no one helped me out with a reply. did i put this in the wrong place?

i guess it doesn't matter though because my eggplant revived after getting watered with the epsom salts concoction (don't know if it was the water or the minerals or both).

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Sounds like you moved it into the sun too fast. That needs to be done in stages so the plant has a chance to adapt.

Laie, HI(Zone 11)

thanks, OCCAROL! i wanted to know what more experienced gardeners thought so i can avoid this problem in the future. . .
today the plant is in its original place, looking great, with one open bloom and several others to follow.

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

it is normal for plants to go into shock if they are moved from one location to another or transplanted. Keep it well watered. Eggplants need lots of light and warmth as well as plenty of water but OCCAROL is right, its best to do it in stages if going from shade to sun. They often need support too especially as the fruit increases in size.

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