Removing a Fruitless Mulberry Tree

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I'm going to remove a mature Fruitless Mulberry Tree and have a few concerns before I do it.
I've never removed one of these and need to know if these trees are prone to suckering from the remaining roots after it has been removed.

NORMALLY, these trees have very bad surface roots that lift sidewalks, ruin foundations, etc.
Fortunately, the soil in my garden is soft and sandy so I've never had a problem with surface roots. The roots have gone DOWN but not OUT, thankfully. I've also never had a problem with planting other things in it's drip line.

I will be able to grind the stump, remove the shavings etc. and any roots within a 4 foot circle around the former stump. I'm just leery of suckers coming up outside that area.

Has anyone ever had a suckering problem after removing one of these trees ?

Thanks in advance.

Lititz, PA(Zone 6b)

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it suckered. We have a 'weed' mulberry tree problem in our area and they aren't very easy to get rid of although Round Up knocks them out cold. Just cutting the suckers will result in more suckers....they're like a hydra...LOL

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

there is some sort of liquid that you can paint on with a brush, just to the freshly cut stump after you cut it. It is supposed to keep sprouts from coming up.

Warrenton, VA

I know some people who would KILL to have a non-fruiting Mulberry Tree...

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I didn't remove mine, but I did cut it down to a stump, paint the stump with Round-up and then put glue over the roundup and (knock on wood) the plants never returned - but I don't have sandy soil.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Can't believe I ran across an article specifically on this

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Sally. That was a great link as well as the others that accompanied it.
I guess I wasn't entering the right words when I did a google search otherwise I would have seen that article.
I'll be tackling this project when the temperatures go down.
Thanks again !

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Exactly - Round-up is a brand name for glyphosate. And I have had no suckering after use.

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