Ordered these and what size pot should I use

Mesilla Park, NM

These arrived today from Joy Creek,

Princess Red
Tamakazura Chikuma

I want to pot a couple up and the rest will go into raised beds. What size of pots are needed for two year old plants?

Any recommendations would be most appreciated. They have all been trimmed except one and it has seed heads on it with what appears to have a few seeds forming. I did ask if they sold seeds and of course they do not, but were kind enough to send me one with seeds forming.

I like the size of the plants and they arrived in great shape during this heat wave.

Any help is greatly appreciated, I have read several posts and took notes regarding the manure, compost, mulch and watering with warm Epsom salts. I need to get a couple of trellis for them and pots, so ill head to lowes tomorrow. They have avfew Clem's there but I really am loving the small bell types.


Athens, PA

Can you post pictures of your plants with something in the photo to use as a point of reference? It has been quite some time since I have ordered from Joy Creek, but it seems to me that the plants and root balls were quite large.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I also remember the plants from Joy Creek as being huge. Is there a reason you can't plant them in the garden?

Mesilla Park, NM

I have given some thought to having some in pots to place in the patio, and some in the raised beds. They would all be better off in the raised beds and I did get some larger ones from the box stores to put along a chain link fence.

Te 18" metal ruler is in between are the plants from Joy Creek.

The ones in the wagon are in what looks like a two gallon pot which are for the chain link fence, now my work will began. I got 20 of those to plant and shade till they take. I don't know if they will,survive this heat here but I'm giving it a try. We did put in a Arizona Ash tree two years ago in the area and I hope that provides enough dappled shade for them.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

The ones in the wagon are

11 fireflame clematis
6 Patricia Ann Fretwell
1 HF Young
2 unknowns that the tags blew off

I got a large container of Epsom salt for Monday. My plan is to till the section, add good soil then plant, mulch, and water with Epsom salt water. Then fertilize in a week. We have clayish soil there that when wet turns into soft mud, maybe my plan isn't feasible

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You're certainly not shy about buying clematises! Good for you!

All of your amendments (manure/compost/bone meal) should be incorporated thoroughly into your planting area and for your pots. Please remember to put down 3" of mulch to keep the roots cool.

I'm sure we're all anxious to see the results of your hard work. I wish you the best of luck.

Mesilla Park, NM

Lol, yes, I've been known to jump in with both feet...I might be in over my head here. Have only one bag of bone meal. Need to buy more of that and a few other things.

Would it be alright if I pot several up in pots and then put them into the ground in the fall?, thus giving me more time to get more bone meal and some more manure. The Clem's in the wagon were a big surprise for me, they had just marked them down and I couldn't resist. Now I have to deal with them. I can do it if I get up early enough, because of this darned heat. It is supposed to be coller this week so I've got to work fast.

I was able to get four 15 gallon pots, maybe ill put three in each pot with trellis 's in each one. Please let me know if this is a bad idea. Might have to enlist some help here ..the ground dries like a baked hard rock when it isn't watered daily, so I have to come up with a plan.

We have 7 raised beds that are eight feet by eight feet square, each has at least one cattle panel on one side so I was even thinking of heeling them in till I have a spot ready.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I doubt you'll need more than one bag of bone meal. A handful for each plant (mixed in with the other amendments) will be sufficient.

Sure! It's not the height of the plant right now that's important but the roots. Use big enough pots so they have room to expand. I'd think something smaller than 15 gallon pots (that's huge) would be fine. PLANT DEEPLY!

The more compost you can use to create a great growing environment, the better for the plant and for all the time and energy you're investing in the project. You want success!

Love the idea of healing them in! Use LOTS of mulch.

Now, if you really want to be super creative, try this:

Athens, PA

Wow! What a nice haul!

I agree with Arlene. Healing them in will buy you some time.

I cannot wait to see pictures when they are flowering.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Gourd - About two years ago I moved three clematises in front of a long established Jackmanii with the vision that it would be a mass of creamy white (Guernsey Cream), pale lavender (Proteus), very pale lavender (Belle of Woking). Instead I have a mess because the Jackmanii came forward this year but in all previous years went to the rear to cover the compost bins. I did cut it back on May 5th this year and had cut it to the ground at the start of the season. I'll have to move all but the Jackmanii this fall. That is why I'd be very hesitant to plant three in a huge pot.

1. How it looks as of yesterday. The one trellis has been swallowed up by the Jackmanii.

2. My original vision of the area - ha ha ha.

Thumbnail by pirl Thumbnail by pirl
Mesilla Park, NM

Last night I drew out a couple of plans, one is to plant all 11 fireflames in front of the chain link fence in an "L" shape. Then the two lost tags together in the raised bed near that area next to a cattle panel.

Next, plant one Patricia Ann in each 15 gallon pots (6 total) with trellis in each one to place in the patio, there is no roofing in this patio just walls.

Then, I will put all my little bell types in the other raised beds were I have other vines growing.

Pill, that link you posted was incredible, it has to to be breathtaking to see something like this in person.

I don't know how the heat an sun is going to affect the flowers here, I literally live in between lots of farming fields, it does get 10 degrees cooler when they irrigate, but I do have to water everyday or the plants shrivel up. The three Clem's I do have are shaded by passion vines that are about100feet across on cattle panels so, the only ones ill worry about are the ones on the patio till I figure out the sun times in eac area. I have alot going right now as far as getting things established. It is very challenging that is for sure,. Cactus has been my special love for so many years so this in fairly new to me.

Carolyn, I couldn't believe that all I paid for all those Clem's. this is a chance that doesn't come often I thnk. It will let me push my gardening skills some and not break the bank doing it. I'm heading out to buy some bonemeal , what I had was blood meal .. So ill pick up both bonemeal and some manure for Mondays work.. Lol. I have a full time job at home.

Thank you for the advice both of you.

Pirl, the three you planted in the first photo were in the ground? I know what you mean about our expectations,.

So are the 15gallon pots bad a bad idea, too big? They would line the inside a smaller area against the wall where the trellis would stick out on the other side where the pots would not be seen, only the flowers. On the other side of this wall. I removed the pots on the wall here, they were placed there to take photos of them.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

The middle photo is the wall I'm talking about placing the pots behind that. Our patio ia all walls and arches so I now am trying to get plants established. Last year I had several bougies in behind arches peeking around, but they do not survive zone 7/8 winters. So this year I got four more but put them in pots and plan to move them in November either indoors or garage to overwinter.

If nothing works then, we may need a little roof or arbor somewhere around here. I don't know.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

What beautiful architecture! Love the arches, the curves and that curved wall is so beautiful! I understand what you mean by putting the large pot behind the curve so the clematis flowers will fall over the wall. That should look beautiful. If you intend for the clematis to grow on a trellis wouldn't that hide the curved wall?

If you do put some in the 15 gallon pots either put all of one kind in a pot or the same pruning group to make life and pruning easier. You know what works best in your climate so you can decide the size pots you want to use.

Mesilla Park, NM

All six pots will have only one Patricia Ann in it, is that over kill oe should I put two in each pot ha just have three pots. The side you see is the front of that wall, the pots would be behind that wall. The other side is the turtle rescue area where my beloved boxies live, they need some flowers. Lol.

Thank you for the compliments ... We have been working on the hardscrabble for about eight years and now I can plant. Got two more trees yesterday too. Two live oaks that I may keep in pots as patio trees. This heat is brutal without shade, and with shade too sometimes.

This message was edited Jul 14, 2013 11:36 AM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My thought is that the 15 gallon pots are too large for one plant but if anyone reading this has any helpful input I'm sure this is the ideal time to mention it. Two plants would be better for that lush look.

You've done a gorgeous job! I'm sure more trees would make you feel more comfortable.

Mesilla Park, NM

Thank you so much, ill put two in each pot. There may not be enough room back there with the pens anyway for the six pots. If I find smaller pots ill get a couple . The turtles will destroy anything in the ground, as they burrow down into the roots. I meant hardscape not scrabble. I didn't even see that the word was replaced.

Patience is not a choice here, but a must. Lol.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I was wondering how much room you had behind the curved wall and if the pots would remain hidden from view so that wall would still show up well. I'd hate to hide it!

Why not test out the pots behind the wall before you plant to be sure they won't be exposed? That's far easier than having to do the job twice or test out the pots when they're filled with soil and plants. You could measure the available space and then buy any needed containers to fit the space. Check heights while you're measuring.

We all need patience and gardeners need it most of all.

Mesilla Park, NM

I just got back, these are photos I just took. One shows where I'm wetting the area full of sunflowers that ill pull out. I took one facing my studio to show the seven rised beds and the other two show the other side of the wall where the turtle pens are. It is so bright her and I can't tell how the photos look on the iPad.

The wall is at different heights. You can kind of see the 15gallon pots, they look small, but I planned to put trellisis in each one so that the Clem's climb over to the other side.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Athens, PA

It is going to be gorgeous with all the clematis in bloom. I cannot wait to see photos with them flowering.

I really like your layout and the architecture. I would be so excited!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Gourd - what vitamins do you take? We clematis lovers need what you take! Where do you get all that energy?

From the photos you posted above I'd have thought you only had 3' behind the curve so it was a huge surprise to see all your space. Then the other gardens! You're amazing!

Having 6 Patricia Ann Fretwell, you could plant two per container and they'd certainly have enough room and would look beautiful there.

We'll all await your photos and the clem's needn't be in bloom - just show us what you did. Good luck!

Mesilla Park, NM

Lol.. I've got so helpers here in the photos. One got tired And she is on break, he is helping with the soil.

DH is an enabler, he unloads all the heavy stuff and asks for directions. Then he goes to work during the week and I am the house gardener. He loves the landscape and pretty much trusts my judgement even when I think I don't know what I'm doing. I feel bad for him, but I'm happy he is agreeable.

Okay, I soaked the sunflowers and pulled them out in a couple of hours, so the ground is really wet for tomorrow .

This is what it looks like now.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Love your helpers! They do look strong even if napping is one of their perks.

The cleared area looks good. Will you do the tilling?

What do you plant in the strawberry pots?

I love the tree behind the curved wall. Bet you can't tell that the curved wall has me entranced. Are the two trees we see in pots staying in those spots or will they go near the other tree or elsewhere in the area?

I feel like the plant police asking all these questions! LOL

Mesilla Park, NM

Those are the two live oaks we got yesterday, at the same place they had the pots Buy 2 get one free, the medium strawberry pots were only 9.99 and the taller ones were 12.99, I had only gotten the shorter ones, then DH stopped on the way back home and got the taller two with the one free. So I have six for forty four dollars, you can't beat that. I plan to put some Dykias in them they look great, I mosaic everything that sits still, as DH says.. So I may do that to a couple. I have two very tall strawberry pots that I mosaiced the bottoms only they need grouting and are in my studio.

As for the trees, I need to get information on how to keep them alive in pots as patio trees. I may have to pot them ip from this pots which are 15 gal pots. The water ran right out so I am thinking they need repotting or need to go in the ground. They are about 7 feet tall. I just have to do some research because I have killed a couple of trees already that I kept in pots. If I have to plant them, they will probably go in the cactus garden areas. The tree inside the turtle area is a redbud. It likes it there in that area ..

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Your energy and attitude are excellent.

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh, I plan to do the tilling ir just use a shovel to turn over the soil because it may be too wet, I may have to wait another day.. I also plan to use some succulents in thos strawberry pots too.

Mesilla Park, NM

That's because I don't know any better.. Lol..

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I'll be applauding for you as you work. I wish we all had your talents and abilities.

Athens, PA

I love your helpers. They are so sweet.

I had to look up Dykias as I am unfamiliar with that. The first one that came up was 'Cherry Cola' - such a gorgeous color. I have 2 strawberry jars that are empty. Now you are giving me ideas. I would have to bring them in for the winter, but they could come in pot and all.

I wish I had your energy Gourd. I haven't been good about getting out into the garden this year. I did cut back my deck pots full of verbena and mini dahlias to get another flush, but I am thinking my clematis look a bit on the scraggly side and that I should be cutting them back. I can generally get another flush on my type 2's and 3's.

Mesilla Park, NM

Here are the Dykias I have, I use to have cherry cola in these strawberry pots about 10 years ago, when we moved they and several cacti I brought with me were stolen and hat was left eventually froze off. But I had removed them from the pots for the move and never did put anything else in them, they eventually got freeze damage on he bottoms so I mosaiced them I still need to grout them, I did seal them inside and out, but will replant in them after grouting. They are a little over two feet tall.

Edited to correct and change resell to replant, I really dislike this word checker..

This message was edited Jul 25, 2013 3:51 PM

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

I almost finished with the 11 Clem plants, just need to mulch them, I'm on break giving my helpers snacks. The stepping stones are under mud relight now.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
Mesilla Park, NM

I have not been able to unstick the plastic pots, I may have to wait till DH gets home to finish the other 6 .. I can plant the smaller plants. You Guys may have to send a rescue team for me after this day is done if you don't hear from me,, lol..

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's all looking excellent so far.

Try spraying cold water on the innermost pot to "kind of" shrink it and then pull them apart.

Athens, PA

Looking good!

Rescue party is on the way! ^_^

Mesilla Park, NM

Look at what bloomed, I really am so surprised. Should I let this continue to grow or trim the plant ? It looks a little on the lavender side, just beautiful.


The rest are all putting out new growth and I hope to see a few flowers in the next month or so.

Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd Thumbnail by Gourd
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Wonderful, Gourd! No need to clip off the flowers. Keep up the great work.

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