organic options for spider mites

Kansas City, MO

so spider mites are taking over.... I noticed them early in the summer but for some dumb reason I thought they only liked my beans. Well I started with insecticidal soap, spraying every single leaf back. But... it is very hot now and the plants will burn. I have been spraying some of them early in the AM with a strong setting on the hose. I also have been wiping the leaves with a wet rag.

The guys at the nursery suggested something that said was organic but the main ingredient was petroleum oil? that doesn't sound very organic to me...

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated~

Contra Costa County, CA(Zone 9b)

Don't use a petroleum oil based product in the hot weather.

What is un-organic about dead dinosaurs? Weren't they alive, once?

If you want to try an oil based treatment there are some products that have plant based oils. I would only treat a few leaves and see how they do in this heat.

Watch the weather predictions, and be ready to spray when there is a brief cool spell.

Spider mites like dry, dusty leaves, so if the plants can handle being sprayed with water, then do that. Wash off the dust.

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