Has this ever happened to you?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them…My D.inoxia (I think) had put up some new growth right at the base of the stem. Then bam…All of a sudden the original stem snapped almost at ground level. Just a stub remaining. It's in a container, and we have had a few stormy days. Don't know if a gust of wind could have done it? It is the first time I've seen new growth, almost looks like a new plant, or plants entirely coming up from the base of the stem.
Thanks for looking, and for any input. :-)

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Oops…Didn't post the pics...

Thumbnail by tlm1 Thumbnail by tlm1
Lovington, IL

I have had several instances of Daturas being layed over and even uprooted due to storm damage, but I have never had the stems break. It is hard to say what may have caused that.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks festivus, I was starting to wonder if anyone ever checked in on this forum!?!? LOL!
I can't imagine what caused this either. I checked for possible insect damage, and could find none. I just took these pics, and the new growth is coming on strong. The second pic shows the old stem/trunk. Seems that I may just have an unsolvable mystery here.
But thank you much for looking, and it's nice to meet you! :-)

Thumbnail by tlm1 Thumbnail by tlm1
Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

I see broken stems on plants in my yard from time to time and scratch my head. I had something eating my softwood on different plants but I have all kinds of critters in my yard, including a large golden retriever that likes to chase everything else. My guess would be squirrel or family pet.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, it's definitely not my family pets, as this plant is in the front yard. But squirrels on the other hand, could be a possibility…We've got a lot of those! And other peoples cats…Grrrr!!!! Something to consider…Thanks! :-)

Lovington, IL

I wouldn’t suspect animals or insects were gnawing on it due to the fact it is Datura Inoxia. I have been growing it for years and have known it to be the most pest resistant plant I grow. It would seem more likely that an animal may have trampled it.

Nice to meet you too Tim.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is my first Datura, so to hear of it's pest resistance is good. Guess I'll probably blame it on a critter of some kind…I'm just happy to see the new growth is strong and healthy!

Thanks to you both!
Happy gardening…It's the best kind of therapy I know!!!!

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Agreed I wasn't suggesting anything ate it, rather just giving examples of stuff that has happened at my home. Squirrels can break a plant like that easily by jumping around on it. I've been trying to start a blue sky vine on an oak tree but the squirrels consistently knock the tendrils off the tree (its on their highway to my birdfeeders).

Then there is my bull in the china shop golden retriever......

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL!!! My 2 Boston Terriers are quite the handful!!! That's why they are only allowed in the backyard! The front yard is allowed ONLY on a leash!!!

Thinking that the squirrels (of which we have many) are probably the culprits!

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