Companion Planting: Limas over dormant garlic & last onions?

Tuskegee, AL(Zone 8a)

I keep a double border of onions inside garlic on the two sides facing the woods as a defense against deer. So far, along with planting bitter or spicy crops in the first row behind them, this has kept the deer feasting on my community-garden neighbors' crops and leaving mine alone.

In the summer, there is plenty of forage for the deer, so they don't bother with our garden, and it finally struck me that I could grow a good, long row of my favorite baby limas in front of the finishing onions and behind the dormant garlic sets, some from my late plantings and others that are always cleverly left behind by the garlic when it's harvested.

This could reward the onions and garlic with a little nitrogen boost in addition to the vetch that covers it in winter.

I've been planting radishes between those two rows, but I'm getting tired of radishes. I guess I could put in turnips, that I know would get along, but I prefer the limas.

If any of you are veteran companion planters, can you tell me if you know of any reason these three should not be joined in botanical matrimony?

Speak now, or forever hold your peace.

... and thanks!

Here are some of this year's elephant garlic:
1. a fresh head
2. newly braided and hanging well below the doorknob!
3. dry alongside a braid of softneck and some drying sunflower seeds.}

Thumbnail by SilkKnoll Thumbnail by SilkKnoll Thumbnail by SilkKnoll
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I haven't found the specific article yet but Barbara Pleasant researched and wrote an excellent article on why legumes and alliums don't do well together.
It was posted on the site. This was an excerpt from it...


I had spent an hour researching whether or not onions suppress the growth of peas and beans planted after them in the same soil. It turns out that they do, by exuding substances from their roots which have herbicidal effects on some plants, particularly legumes. This explains why I can never get a good stand of beans when I sow them into beds from which garlic and onions have just been harvested. Cucumber family crops and leafy greens grow fine, so they must not be sensitive to the onion effect.

If I can put my finger on the article, I will post the link for you.

OTOH, you have nothing to lose but to try it and find out if they are close enough in the soil to have a detrimental effect.

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