Clitoria terneata

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Has anyone successfully grown this plant from seed? I have tried at least a dozen times, but each time the seedlings collapse when they are a couple of inches high, with a brown discoloration of the root stem.

In fact I have the same experience when I try to grow Okra. Is there some trickI I am missing?

I have tried both germinating the seed in vermiculite and using the Deno/paper towel method.

Any advice gratefully received.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

DG member 'joeswife' does - dmail her for help.

CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Will do - thanks a million.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

I sprout and grow both the double variety and the single one with some success...
I'd say about 1/2 the seeds sprout and the new sprouts are quite slow growing and tender.. They seldom die here... But they are slow to take off... Until they are about 8-10 " tall... Then they grow a bit better than they have as a youth.. At 16- 18" they start to come into their own ....and start becoming more vigorous growers.... Never really a rampant. Vine for me... They do finally get it together and start taking command of their trellis and get into the lovely blooming vine they become.... There's not a lovelyer Blue in flowers
Keep trying... As for secrets or tips. I can't say I do anything special for them just a bit sheltered to begin with...and cow manure.....for everything

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I do.. Not a problem, but everything grows in Georgia, lol.. Cannot give any special instructions because I just planted and left them alone and they reseed all over the place.. In fact I had to spray a whole bed to where they had escaped..


CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

Well, thanks for that. Will try again next year....

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

The single version

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Oh let's try the picture again it seems to have been lost in space

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

That's great..... mmm .... lovely. Really must try hard next year. Here, the 'brown discoloration' is a killer. I think it must be a fungus of some sort - will treat the germinating shoots with copper fungicide next year and grow them in vermiculite until they seem big enough to cope.

The information about the slow early growth is really helpful as I will be able to start them a bit earlier than I normally do.

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