Christmas tree stands planters

Virginia Beach, VA

I had been creating dish garden using Christmas tree stands for years and I really love them some are single, double tiers and triple tiers. I am going to post some and if there is interests I will post more. It is golf season and it is quite busy. i am mandated by DH who pays the bill to play as much as possible on account of the amount that he pays LOL!!!

Here is my favorite
This is new this year and I have it in front of the garage. It has assorted sedums, mini alocasias and other perinnials.

I just invert the holder, put holes with a reciprocating saw, fill it with good compost and potting soil, wet with miracle grow solution and walla you are ready to create.

I hope ypou like it and will post a double and triple later.

Thumbnail by bellieg
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