Corn maturity

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

I planted a older type corn this year ("Fisher's Earliest") --my first corn since I was a kid. I am trying to determine if it's ready yet. The tassels are brown, the ears are starting to pull away from the stalk and the kernels are full.

I am not expecting a modern super-sweet variety, but when I pull off a kernel and taste it, it isn't sweet at all. Doesn't taste like much at all, really. Will it increase in sweetness as it matures, or is this as good as it is likely to get?

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

If the kernels are full, it is probably ready. I would think you you would want to pick it while the kernels are still tender and milky.
My father always said to "start the pot of water boiling, then go pick the corn" - another way of saying that old fashioned corn has a very short shelf life.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

True; in old varieties the sugars start to degrade in terms of minutes, not days. Maybe I'll cook a few up, and if they are really disappointing, leave them on the stalk to dry and turn into cornmeal later.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

It was quite tasty. Not grocery store super-sweet, but a nice mildly sweet corn flavor.

I guess at the BBQ this weekend it's pick your own, and it's corn every night for dinner for a while.

Talihina, OK

ain't nothing wrong with corn every night

Hummelstown, PA(Zone 6b)

usually when the silks turn dark brown the corn is ripe.

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