Bromeliads for Novices and Addicts - July 2013

Hi Bree,so sorry to hear that you and your daughter is sick with the chickenpox.I hope y'all get well from them as soon as you can.I have a Boxer dog and his tail was chopped when he was a puppy.I left his ears floppy,i thought they look cuter like that.I love your pic.Take care!!!


Here is a pic of my Boxer.His name is Hooch.

I just took the pics.

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Another pic of my Boxer.

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Hi to all!!!
I hope y'alls day goes well.Its bed time here
so i am calling it a night.


shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone - Just a very quick note to let you know I'm still around although I don't have much spare time with the family here as we're making the most of it while they're here.

I got a "leave pass" from the C.E.O. to go to our Bromeliad Society's "Christmas in July" party/meeting and had a great time talking brom's all afternoon and looking at some nice plants.

I hope you're all well and those of you who are sick, get well soon.

No pic's of brom's today but I couldn't resist sharing this pic of a Red-Sided Garter Snake - aren't the colours just amazing? It's not my snake, I just had the pic emailed to me by a friend who found it on the web.

All the best, Nev.

This message was edited Jul 6, 2013 2:35 AM

Thumbnail by splinter1804
Brisbane, Australia

Hi all,

We have had another lovely day here today and quite warm too. With the help of two granddaughters, I managed to get quite a bit of potting done. I don’t think I would have managed without their help as I am still not over the flu bug, it must be close to a month now and I’m still coughing and have no energy at all.

Cody, it must make life rather difficult for you not being able to drive. Do you have a good public transport system where you live. Love the pics of your dog, Hooch.

Bree, sorry to hear you have been crook. I think the older we are, the worse we suffer when we catch things that most kids are able to just shrug off.

Nev, hope you enjoyed your Brom Society’s Christmas in July party/meeting. That’s one very colourful snake, looks like someone painted it (or knitted it), I wonder if it’s venomous.

I am a bit confused with the naming of some neo hybrids, could someone explain please the difference between … say,

Neo Mandela x Mandela
Neo Mandela x Self
Neo Mandela F2


My pics are 1 – neo Red Dawn, 2 neo Luna, 3 neo Red Sand, 4 neo Chirripo

Bye, Shirley

Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me
north coast nsw, Australia

Nice broms Shirley. Yes they say its good to get chicken pox while young . Just hope i dont get them. My daughters covered in spots. Looks like we'll be staying home for a little while.
Cute dog Cody, ive always liked Boxers.

Hi to all!!!
Hi Shirley,it really does make my life hard,knowing that i have to depend on someone.It really bothers me that me and my son can't jump in a car and go to the movies or out to eat.I live by my dad,and when i need to go to town he will take me.Love your pics!!Thanks!! Take Care!!!
Hi Bree thanks!!! Hooch is very protective of me and my son.One day my nephew was over here and we were play fighting and Hooch thought he was hurting me,but he wasn't so Hooch grab my nephew by the shirt to pull him back and he scared my nephew.So he will not come to my house no more.Boxers are one of the best dogs for familys.Take Care and get well!!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Cody - that's what boxers look like in NZ.
Ear cropping is banned but they still dock tails.
Breeindy - I can vouch for how nasty chicken pox can be as an adult, I caught it from my step daughter & while she had maybe 3 blisters & was better in a week I was covered in itchy spots & had 3 weeks off work too sick to do do anything.
Shirley - the dalmatians have tails like whips, it really stings when they wag them against your legs & they can clear a coffee table pretty fast too!

Jen - I like that mini bil.
it does look like my full size ones, they are doing well despite being out in the worst weather.
First rain then snow, then frost, moved them in under the eaves & we had unseasonably warm sunny days followed by overnight gale force winds that blew the pots all over the place.

Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

Just got home from being away so thought I would pop in quickly to say hello before dinner, Joe's cooking and it smell devine (yum spag' bol').

Had a quick look at everyone's threads and fantastic pics as I really needed a brom' fix as I have really missed being amoungst my broms this past week, they appear to be doing well as I can tell they have grown, some have pupped and some have flowered, that's what I luv about brom's they are so hardy and easy to maintain.

Thanks EVERYONE for all the well wishes, I'm fine just tired and still getting over being sick. Back to work tomorrow (sad face). Looking at taking some time off early August and then again late September so something to really look forward to and get me back on track and in holiday mode.

It's windy here today but no rain except it's raining avocado's and lemon's in our back yard because of all the wind. When I went to check on my broms' I nearly got crowned on the head by a couple of avocado's that fell from a great height and when I went to pick a lemon off the tree I disturbed all the one's around it and it rained lemons (about 15) dropped to the ground which made me laugh.

Apologies if I have missed getting back to anyone last month with any questions you may have had, just remind me if that be the case and I will get back to you sometime this week.

Bree sorry to hear you and your daughter are not feeling well, hope you are back on the mend soon. Great pics you posted of all your colorful broms.

Great pics of everyone's beautiful pooches. Shirley 'Molly' is beautiful you must be thrilled to bits. Cody 'Hooch' is a handsome looking dog and sounds very protective of your family, as well as I really liked the pics of your son he's so cute.

Jen thanks for the well wishes and for posting a pic of your beautiful Vr' 'Crackerjack', what a stunning looking brom.

Nev thanks for the well wishes. Can there be any more colour in that snake pic you posted, the colours are amazing. I might have to start collecting them type of snakes as well as broms as you know how much I like to be surrounded by colour he he.

Nev the seedlings you recently sent me are going great as well as the one's before are really starting to kick up a notch in colour so I will post pics this week for you to see. Nev just to let you know I still need to speak to my friend the the Butterfly Vine but she is away on holidays at present.

Jean I still have to post you a pup from the NOID I think is 'Othophytum' 'Copper Penny' but just have not got around to it yet with all that's been going on, but I just wanted you to know I have not forgotten.

Ian holly crap you look like you have been really busy in the bushhouse, pics look fantastic.

BIG WELCOME to Kim, fantastic to see a new commer joining in, looking forward to chatting with you on this wondeful forum, sure you will enjoy getting to know everyone and us getting to know you and by the sounds of things you like broms which is great.

Sue sounds like you have been in the garden, thanks for the well wishes and great pics you posted.

Tash sounds like you too have been busy in the garden too, thanks for the well wishes and great pics you posted.

Sorry if I have missed anyone, still trying to play catch-up and starting to go cross-eyed as a lot has been going on by the looks of things.

Anyway time to head as dinners ready and I am well and truly ready for a home cooked meal after being away.

Look forward to speaking to you all soon, until then take care and Happy Gardening!


Sorry no new pics taken to show. But Joe tells me I have some broms coming in the mail that should be here soon so I will take pics when I have potted them up.

Hi all, just another day and the weather has been fantastic. I achieved a fair bit of potting today, shame it was not with broms, but with other plants that I want to get rid of to make more brom room. I also worked up some more mulch for the front garden. So much more to do. I will have a hard week this week at work, customers want their products NOW. Ah well it puts money in the bank for me to spend on what I need to spend it on.
Shirley I love N Lunar but then I am looney. That might be why..
Cody so you got Hooch and cannot even smoke it. He looks like a nice dog.
Bree how do we put our pic up with our name?
Dalfyre, those Billbergia Nutans seem to take a lot of punishment, I wish there were a few more that were just as resilient.
Have a good one
Pic 1 Just hanging around
Pic 2 Bil Carioca X Euphamie flowering
Pic 3 Bill NOID flowering, flowers are more white than light green as in the pic.
Pic 4 Ae flowering ( mental blank)
Pic 5 bit more space saving

Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry
Brisbane, Australia

Hi all,

nothing much happening here so I will just post a few group pics and catch up with everyone tomorrow.

Bye, Shirley

Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me

Hi to all!!
Hi Dalfyre,neither one of them here is banned.Its your choice to rather you want to have it done or not.Take Care!!!!
YaY!!! I got a plant,but i don't know the name of it.
Hi Trish,thank you so very much!! I hope you feel better soon.Take care!
Hi Ian,thanks!! No one will come in my yard,because people are scared of him.Love your pics.Take care!!!
Hi Shirley,love your pics.Take care!!!


This message was edited Jul 7, 2013 3:57 PM

This message was edited Jul 7, 2013 5:41 PM

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Queensland, Australia

Good Morning everyone, nice to catch up on all the reading and see all the fantastic pics.
Nothing much going on here, sorry to hear it's been so cold down south, Jean I hope yours all survive well, we have to deal with extreme heat up here in Summer, so it's a bit odd to think of dealing with cold and other extremes like hail and frost and things like that.
Winter is such a great time of year up here for the broms, we were walking around the yard yesterday having a look and how things are going, colours get so much better now for us at this time of year and it's nice to see things sitting in full sun and not ducking under shadecloth to see them properly, if only the weather could be like this all year around. Oh well, before we know it, Summer will be back and we will be back to complaining about not being able to keep cool.
Cody yaaaa you got a brom :) All I can say is it's a Guzmania, but anything more than that... I don't know.
Just one pic for today, this is the one I showed a few weeks back, last month some time, it's our Vriecantarea, Vr fosteriana X Alc geniculata, the spike is getting much taller now. It's leaning now, so I wonder if we will have to stake it up later or tie it? Not sure how tall it will get.
I hope you are all feeling ok or getting better, no good being sick at all, take care everyone :)

Thumbnail by springer99

Hi Tash,thanks.It didn't have a name tag on it.I got it from walmarts for 10 dollars.I think it is growing 3 little pups in it.
Take care!!


north coast nsw, Australia

Ian- up the top of your screen in 'my info' you can add photo and edit it.

Brisbane, Australia

Hi all, I think I have added a photo to my user name, just testing ...


... guess not !!!

I'll have another try

This message was edited Jul 8, 2013 5:04 PM

Brisbane, Australia

Second try ...fingers crossed

Yeah ... it works

back later, Shirley

This message was edited Jul 8, 2013 5:21 PM

shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – We had a beautiful sunny winter's day here yesterday and no wind either. What a great day for the whole of our family to get together for a BBQ and afterwards all of the grandsons took their scooters to the skate-board park down the road and had a “ball”. The youngest (3 y.o.) had gone home for his afternoon sleep but of the three that went, the four year old was the most daring, he'll have a go at anything. He looked a real professional with his stack hat and knee and elbow guards on and never came a “gutser” once.

Hi to Shirley, Breeindy, Dalfyre, Ian, Trish, Tash and Cody; sorry I don't have time to comment on everyone's pic's, but they're all beautiful and interesting plants. Good to see Ian's development coming together with lots of hanging space and Cody who at last has “joined the club” with her first brom which as Tash had ID'd as a Guzmania.

Like Tash I can't give you a varietal name for it as it's probably one of thousands of tissue cultured commercial hybrids sold annually all around the world. You will be pleased to know though that they will also grow well inside the house while they are in flower, and the bracts (the red bits) last for anything up to twelve months on some plants but three to four months is about average, so it's a much better value-for-money option than buying a bunch of flowers. They are easy to grow but keep them out of extreme cold and direct sun as they will mark. We can give you further cultural advice after you've had it for a while, but what is a definite “no no”, don't stand your pot in a saucer of water like some people do, as it will cause rot.

Sorry to have to go so quick, but here's a few pic's to make your collective mouths water anyway.

They're all file pic's of other grower's plants – Pic.1 Neo.'Break of Day' and the following four pic's are all hybrids made by Lisa Vinzant of Hawaii, Pic.2 Neo.'Rum Raisin', Pic.3 Neo.'Easter Egg', Pic.4 Neo.'Pesadilla' Pic.5 Neo.'Riqueza'

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone,

Another lovely day here today and I managed to spend some time in the garden.

Cody, great to see you have your first brom. Take care though, they are very addictive but it’s a very relaxing and also a very rewarding hobby.

Nev, sounds like you’re having a great time with your family. Love those pics, very hard to pick a favourite, maybe 3 … no, I think 4, but 5 is gorgeous too.

I took a few pics today, pic 1 is neo Lime and Lava, pic 2 is neo JP108, pic 3 is neo Freddie, pic 4 is neo Painted Lady, pic 5 is Rebel, after a hard game with Molly

Till tomorrow, Shirley

Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me

Hi to all!!!
Hi Nev and Shirley,thanks.Take care!!!

Merino, Australia

Hello all.
I just thought I'd share some cold with you.
Its now -4C here and has been slowly dropping since I got up.
The bird baths are all iced over skating rinks now. I am hoping my brugmansias do okay and will keep a look out on all the broms to see how they do.
Some of the older ones have been through a frost a few years ago and did well. I will be watching the new ones closely to make sure they dont suffer too much.I dont have the room to have them all in the greenhouse, so the ones in the shadehouses and outside will just have to grin & bear it.

Shirley, lovely pics as always. Rebel looks very comfortable there.

Nev, lovely pics too.

Ian , great to see how your new area is coming along.

Hello everyone else. I'm back to the heater, my fingers are frozen.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good Morning.
I haven't been ignorong you all, just was quite busy all weekend, and had a day off the computer yesterday, as it was running slow all weekend, and it was all I could do to stop myself throwing it out on the lawn and stomping on it!
Anyway, so far it is behaving!
We've had a few sunny, but cold days here, so the ground is slowly drying out. I have been whittling away at a rather stubborn clump of Dieties that I am removing, but will start re-potting plants again now that I won't make a muddy trail as I go. I have a few metres of space to put the potted ones down onto, and as the spot gets a bit of dappled sun, I will put the Neos there and move any shade lovers up to the black igloo. I have noticed the Neos in there have lost alot of colour. I am guessing the black shade cloth has quite a strong %?
I am going to have to add a pic to my user name too! I noticed yours, Shirley, but a few posts earlier than the one that sounded like you were adding it, so it must go back and add it to all previous posts too?
Nev, glad you are enjoying the family visit, and the odd time out.
Cody, I think Boxers are adorable.
Bree, sorry to hear you've been under the weather too
Theresa, do you get a chance to go skiing?
Trish, glad you are back, and your dinner sounds scrumptious.
Shirley, I think when it says Mandela x Mandela, its two different plants (pollen from one, to the flower of the other) when its Mandela x self, its using its own pollen on its own flower, and Mandela F2 is the same. I think I have that right?
Jen, you cheeky thing! You guilted me into getting some photos! Sounds like you had a good time at the show? Pity they spoiled it with the entry fee. I thought they usually made money from the commision on sales? Guess it has to come from somewhere. Better at the door, than dearer plants! I love your Cracker Jack. One of my favourites, and I will have one, one day!
Well, heres my photo contributions
Photo one is my unnamed neo seedling, which has turned from pink to white?
Photo two is Nevs 'Raincloud' on the left and Leisas 'Fairy Tale' on the right
Photo three is a random shot on the overcrowded Neo bench
Photo four is Tillandsia stricta flowering
Photo five is a Neo. 'Fireball' Ball, which I have made using an upsidedown basket, which is sitting on a pot. It will only be a semi circle.

Thumbnail by weed_woman Thumbnail by weed_woman Thumbnail by weed_woman Thumbnail by weed_woman Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I almost forgot Ian! How rude!
Hi Ian, and your hanging around photo is great. I can sympathise about the work thing. Its unfortuante that we need money, eh?
Hi jean, Brrrrrr. I use wheat packs to keep my feet warm while computering, and a mug of coffee for the hands!

Hi Sue thanks.Take care!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Sue - that Tillandsia stricta flower is pretty, great photo.
I like what youv'e done with the Neo. fireball, clever idea.
It's been years since I went skiing, was never very goo but it was fun.

Jean - brrr -4 is chilly. we had a frost this morning, 0C & it never warmed up above 9C... hopefully that will encourage people to come in to shop for Merino, business has been very slow with the warm spell we've had.

shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – It's sunny but very very cold here today, if fact I think Jean may be sharing her cold weather around as it's not very nice at all once you get out of the sun.

To add a little bit more info to Shirley's question about the Neo. 'Mandela' crossings and Sue's answer which was correct:
Neo Mandela x Mandela = F2
Neo Mandela x Self = F2
Neo Mandela F2 = Either of the above

I have taken the following definitions out of the FCBS Bromeliad Glossary:

SELF (SELFING): To pollinate a flower by its own pollen or by pollen from another flower of the same plant. Self fertilisation: The transference of pollen from an anther to the stigma of the same flower.

F1: The first filial generation; often a constant breeding hybrid type.

F2: The second filial generation; the progeny from the crossing or selfing of the F1. The number increases for each subsequent generation.

Shirley – I can't help thinking how much different in colour my Neo. 'Lime and Lava' (see Pic.1) is to your plant; I think this is certainly one plant that varies considerably to light strengths. Would anyone else who has one of these like to post a pic for comparison?

It looks like Molly had worn poor Rebel out and he needs a “Nanny Nap”.

Cody – Hi and I hope your weather is being kinder to you than ours is to me.

Jean - A temperature of -4 C isn't one of my favourites, nor is it a favourite of any of my brom's. I have read where some brom's have the water in the centre freeze and it's best to just let it thaw out gradually and not try to speed things up by pouring in ordinary cold tap water as this seems to cause more damage.

Sue – Wow! That's quite a book you've written here this morning. I think the unnamed Neo seedling in your first pic is a beaut and I also think it would have to have some 'Marble Throat' or 'Marble Snow' in it's parentage; I certainly wish it was in my collection.

I think we discussed my ?Neo. 'Rain Cloud' when you were down here and I remember you saying it was different to yours. It certainly looks like a good match for the Neo. 'Fairy Tale'. It was the only plant I've ever bought from eBay and it was an adult plant in full colour and I really liked the colour and the nice wide leaves it had. At that time it was more mauve in the centre than the ones in your pic but maybe your plants aren't fully matured yet or maybe it's a climate thing with the colour difference. I'll post my Neo. Rain Cloud before, during and after flowering for comparison.

Dalfyre – Good to see you still dropping despite your cold weather. Gee it looks like you're running a close second to Jean “weather wise” brrrrrrr!

That's it for now and today's pic's are Pic.1 My Neo.'Lime and Lava' (For comparison with others), Pic.2 Neo.'Rain Cloud' (Pre. flowering) Pic.3 Neo.'Rain Cloud' (Flowering), Pic.4 Neo.'Rain Cloud' (Post flowering), Pic.5 Neo.'Orange Glow'

All the best, Nev.

Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804 Thumbnail by splinter1804
north coast nsw, Australia

Well i finally got outside and took some new photos of my broms.
1. Heres my Lime and Lava Shirley and Nev. 2. Pink River? 3 & 4. Red Rivers.
Well you's have me covered for cold weather its 15.8 deg. cel. here now at 5.38pm but 19.8 deg. cel. inside my house (no heating).

This message was edited Jul 9, 2013 3:39 AM

Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy
Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

It’s blowing its ring off here today and it’s raining avocados and lemons in our back yard once again LOL. It’s starting to feel like a fruit market in our house with baskets and bowls overflowing with them, I will have to take some into work tomorrow so nothing goes to waste. Rain clouds are threatening but with all this wind it will probably just blow over.

Hi Cody CONGRATULATIONS on the purchase of your first bromeliad that appears to be a pretty Guzmania of some sort? I have only a couple of Guzmania’s in the nursery and one under our mango tree that appear to be doing well. Cody how exciting too that it has 3 x pups already, let us know if you need advice down the track on how to separate pups, or you may want to grow them as a group where the pups suckle off the mother until she dies and the process continues same with the pups, they grow on and then have pups of their own etc.

Hi Tash like you I adore this time of year for my broms as it’s nice not having to cover them up all the time like we do in summer. Pretty much all of my Neo’s are out in the garden and they appear happy there as they get great light and ventilation. But come summer my shade screens need to go back up to protect them which is fine but I dislike having this obstruction when trying to look at them or move them around but at least they are protected from the harsh elements which is what matters most keeping them looking well and undamaged.

Tash nice pic of your brom Vriecantarea, how big does this one grow?

Hi Nev happy to hear you are having a fantastic time with your family and your grandsons. It’s amazing how daring they get on those scooters and the wonderful tricks they master on them.

Nev fantastic brom pics you posted from other growers, one would be proud to have any of these in their collection, I know I would as they are so beautiful.

Nev I will post a pic of Neo’ ‘Lime & Lava’ to compare with Shirley’s and anyone else who has one. Mine is a much darker colour than Shirley’s one where mine is more of a grape colour. Nev just saw the pic of your ‘Lime & Lava’ which is closer in colour to mine than Shirley’s is.

Hi Shirley great pics of lovely looking broms with wonderful colour, I found Pic 2 of Neo’ ‘JP108’ most interesting of all as I have not seen this one before and it’s just that little bit different with its markings. Best pic of all though had to be Pic 5 of Rebel fast asleep exhausted with his paw over his nose, too cute LOL.

Hi Sue thanks glad to be back, really missed chatting with you guys. Lovely brom pics Sue, your Pic 1 Neo’ NOID turning from pink to white really reminds me of the Marble type broms. I will attach pics of my Neo’ ‘White Marble’ and Neo’ ‘Marble Mauve’ to show similarities if this helps any? Good luck with finding its true name as it’s a beautiful brom.

Hi Jean sounds absolutely freezing your way, take care and keep warm and try to refrain from ice skating on any of the frozen ponds in your garden brrrrrr he he. If I lived where you are I would be hopeless as I would want to bring all my brom collection indoors to protect them over winter and Joe would need a heated area for his orchids.

Hi Theresa great to hear from you, I am getting goose bumps all over from hearing how cold it is for you and Jean. Take care and stay warm - Brrrrrr.

Hi Bree your ‘Lime & Lava’ is pretty much like mine I think, I will try and find pic to attach for everyone to see.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Pic 1 (for Sue) Neo’ ‘White Marble’
Pic 2 (for Sue) Neo’ ‘Marble Mauve’
Pic 3 (for comparison with Shirley, Nev’s and Bree’s) of Neo’ ‘Lime & Lava’ when it was a pup. I can’t seem to find the new pic I took of it at maturity so will try to remember to take a fresh pic tomorrow when I get home from work.
Pic 4 is a pic of a beautiful Fire Place we had in one of the retreats we stayed at in the Tablelands for those feeling the cold

Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy

Hi to all!!!
Hi Nev,the weather here is very hot.I wish it would rain.We could really use the rain.I am ready for some cool weather myself.Take care!!!

Hi Trish,thank you very much.I just checked it again.If they are pups it has 4 of them in it.I am not sure,but i think they are pups.I will post 2 pics.What ever they are its 3 on one side and one on the other.Love your pics!!Take care!!!


This message was edited Jul 9, 2013 10:57 AM

This message was edited Jul 9, 2013 11:09 AM

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Its a bit warmer this morning. 2C instead of minus 2.
My broms seem to be okay after the low temps yesterday, but I guess one has to wait a while to see any damage.
I think the plastic to keep the rain off worked as an insulating blanket for them.
I did it again and bought a couple of new broms.
I just liked the look of these so I hope they look the same when they arrive. Its good when a seller puts up pics of the actual plant being sold instead of just the lovely colored mums.
I have coming ... neos... Peppermint, Hot Gossip, Bobs Baby and Kahala Midnight.
Also bill Fred Red.

While checking some names on the BCR, I came across notes on the naming of neo Fireball.
Apparently from reading it all, Fireball variegate is now named as neo Fallan if it originated here in Australia.
There is also and albo marginte one . The confusion
I do like looking at all the info given on those pages and I see where names can be so easily misused or just simply mistaken.

Anyway I can look forward to the new broms and hopefully lots more babies from them all.

Love all the pics and I am still wishing for most of them, but where would I put

Nev, I havent forgotten your piece of Dracunculus. I must dig it up during the week as the new shoots are coming up.
It seems to multiply here by at least one new shoot per year. Up your way it may do even better.

Off to the heater again.. no new pics today.

shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – Quite cold here again today; not as cold as yesterday but drizzling rain as well so it's heading for a pretty miserable day and we look like being house-bound.

Breeindy – You have much more colour in you Neo. 'lime and Lava' than I have; likewise with 'Pink River' and 'Red River but maybe mine will colour more as the weather gets warmer.

Trish – I like the two “Marble” types of Neo's you've posted, can you put me down for a pup of each when you get a spare? Maybe we can swap for some of my “Marble” types.

What can I say about your fire place except that we could use it here at present.

Cody – Yes they are definitely pups on your “Guzzie” but they have quite while to go until they are ready to be taken off yet. Some people say to let them get to one third of the size of the Mother plant before removing them but I always let mine get to about three quarters the size of the Mother; that way they have a good root system and removing them at that size in spring time doesn't set them back at all and they just power along. As Trish says, you also have the option of leaving them on the Mother plant and just potting them into a larger pot; this way you finish up with four plants in the same pot, and believe me; four Guzzie flower spikes on the same plant is really quite spectacular. Now that the mother is supporting four new babies she will appreciate a regular fertilising. Just ask your nursery supplier for a suitable foliar fertiliser, preferably one that's not too high in Nitrogen. Phostrogen or Manutec are two good ones we use over here but I don't know if they are available in your country; anyway it's early days yet and we are always here to answer any questions you may have.

Jean – Wow! +2 degrees today, you must be thinking of stripping down to shorts and tee shirt. Ha! Ha! Its good to see your plants appear to have come through the cold patch without any damage anyway.

Neo.'Bob's Baby' is an F2 of one of the 'Aussie Dream' grex and was made by Grace Goode. I have one and it's a beautiful large/medium size plant I'm sure you will love. I don't know of 'Kahala Midnight' or 'Peppermint' so maybe you could post a pic when you get them. I also have 'Hot Gossip' which I would describe as the “Joseph's coat of many colours” in the brom world and another beautiful plant. Bill.'Fred Red', as well as being a nice Billbergia itself, has proved to be a good parent for breeding also, so you seem to have ordered quite a good collection of plants.

As well as the variegated 'Fireball' hybrids you mention, there is another called Neo.'Zoe' which is quite an attractive little plant as well although it's not albo-marginated.

I'll look forward to the Dracunculus when ever you get around to digging it up. Did the tree ferns I sent last year do any good for you? I think there are a couple more around the place somewhere if you would like them.

That's it for today and the pic's once again are file pic's and the first one is (a not very good shot) of Neo.'Zoe' (just to show another of the Fireball variegates). Pic.2 is my Neo.'Pink River' just starting to colour up, Pic.3 is Canistropsis Billbergioides (Pink), Pic.4 is Neo.'Lovely Lady' and Pic.5 is another of my seedlings Neo.'Bea Hanson' x Rosea Striata'.

All the best, Nev.

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Merino, Australia

Nev, the little tree ferns did not do well and died.
I think because the smaller plants of any ferns need more warm weather to start off .
I have a larger tree fern which does well but it was bought as an established trunk of about 20" high and about 6" diameter.
I dont think I will sacrifice any more even though I do like them in the fernery.

The sun has come out here now but there is a very biting wind . I will not be doing anything outside as the wind is coming form the wrong direction for me to work in my usual sheltered corner.

Love those pics Nev. Lovely Lady reminds me a bit of my Bill Morris.

Better go get some lunch on ..


Hi Nev,thanks so much for the information.It will come in handy.I will see what i can find.Pretty pics you have.Take care!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, just a clarification on my Neo NOID (marble throat looking type) it is a seedling cross I did, and I had it labelled as a Neo ('Bucaneer' x johannis) self, but I also did Neo 'Marble Throat' x 'Prinsler' and think I may have swapped the labels? I never did get anything resembling the ('Bucaneer' x johannis) plant! Also, it could just be N. 'Marble Throat' x self, as I did get alot of pods, as it may be a selfer on its own? I remember a whole tray of seedlings being tipped over, so maybe that when the labels got mixed up, and could have been I lost a batch of seedlings? Who knows, anyway, Nev, your name is already down for that one. I can't believe how much pink it has lost. It is still getting the light, so maybe its the lower Temps?
Nev, the two N. 'Fairy Tales' are not yet mature, so yes, more colouring to do. I think I did send you a pup of the REAL N. 'Raincloud' didn't I? Has this done well for you?
Its nice to see everyones N. 'Lime And Lava's' I sold mine to Colleen, when I thought I was going to sell up and travel Australia. I sold alot of things I wish I hadn't, but I can always get them again, and now, much cheaper than what I paid originally! I wonder how Colleens one is, in fact, I wonder how Colleen is?
I also like your N. 'Orange Glow', Nev. Gorgeous plant.
Trish, thanks for the warm fire. I held my hands up to it to warm my fingers!
Did you know you can keep your Avos in the fridge? It slows down the ripening. Just take them out a week-10 days before you want to eat them. If they weren't so heavy, I'd tell you to send them this way! I get a couple from the markets most weekends, and have them with promite and poached eggs on toast, Yummm!
Thanks for your 'Marble throat' photos, see my explanation above about my NOID.
Cody, woo-hoo, pups. If I was you, I would go with Trish and Nevs suggestion, and once the mama plant is looking a bit sad, and while it is still warm, I would pot the whole plant into the next size up pot, then the next time it flowers, you will have 4 at a time. Should be stunning! I have a plant in the garden that has been there for 5-6 years, maybe more, that I have never fertilised, but still it gets flowers and pups every year, although it is not extremely cold here in winter, and it is protected from cold winds and rain.
Jean, I am surprised you are buying pups at this time of year. Do you get ones with roots already? I know, for myself, I don't pot fresh cut pups untill September, as they just sit and sulk, or sometimes rot. I also don't buy broms from any further North than about Gympie, as these also take about 2 years to show any signs of growth. It must be the extreme difference in temps and humidity? I have had some xCanmea plants that didn't look back, but maybe I bought them in early spring? Anyway, good luck with your new purchases, and I look forward to seeing photos.
Bree, hope you are feeling better, although I think you should have heating to stay warm and well. I love the colour you get in your plants. Have you been doing Ebay with your Orchids, or are you waiting for spring?
Nev, Bunnings in Coffs has baskets of N. 'Zoe' with 7-10 plants in, at about $18, so thats quite a good price, and they look good! I recently got N. 'Eoz' which is the reverse of 'Zoe' but it needs some sun to colour up yet.
Ian, I am sure you are looking in after a hard days work, so cheerio to you too.
No photos today, as I've been out all day, and it is dull, cold and overcast outside. It was raining north of here, but dry on the ground, so we didn't get any during the day, but it did rain overnight, lastnight.
Well, better go do a few chores while it is still light.
talk soon

Townsville, Australia

Hi Everyone!

It is still blowing its ring off here but no rain with so much wind around.

Hi Cody yep they are definitely pups on your brom and they look happy and healthy so I am sure you are thrilled to bits about that. There is nothing nicer than seeing pups appear on broms and I don’t think I will every tire from the thrill I get seeing them emerge year after year. Thanks for your kind complements regarding the pics I posted yesterday.

Hi Jean please to hear your broms sustained no damage from the cold, what a relief for you. Sounds like you have been a busy little bee shopping for more broms and I can’t wait to see pics of them. I still have to take pics of the broms I recently received in the mail and have potted up, but every time I get home it’s too dark so I will look at taking pics of them on the weekend so I can upload pics for everyone to see.

Hi Nev I already have your name down for Neo’ ‘Marble Mauve’ but will add your name down also for Neo’ ‘White Marble’. What types of Neo’ Marble type’s do you have as I would definitely be interested in swapping as I do not have many of the Marble varieties and really like them.

Nev what beautiful wide leaves on your Pic 4 Neo’ ‘Lovely Lady’ and I adore Pic 5 another one of your beautiful seedlings Neo’ ‘Bea Hanson’ x ‘Rosea Striata', every time you post a pic of this one I catch myself sighing out loud at its beauty.

Hi Sue too funny about you holding your hands up in front of the fire place pic I posted yesterday. Next you will have the marshmallows out and on a stick for toasting LOL.

Sue yeah our fridge is full of avocados at the moment hence why we also have them in baskets and bowls everywhere. I took a heap in to work today and everyone got stuck into them for lunch which was great. Someone told me some time back that you can slice them up onto trays and freeze them this way but I have not experimented with this yet so may possible try doing a couple on the weekend and see what they taste like after freezing? We could never tire from eating them as during avo’ season we substitute marg’ for avo’ on our sandwiches etc. and really miss them when the seasons over.

Anyway, time to head off as dishes to do – blah.

Pic 1 Neo’ ‘Lime & Lava’ (night shot taken in kitchen)
Pic 2 to 5 – Nev here are pics of the beautiful seedlings you sent me all growing well.

Take Care and Happy Gardening!


Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy Thumbnail by bromishy

Hi all, The weather has been for the last few days warm enough for shorts and tee shirt until this afternoon. I arrived home from work early today to showers and wind, both are building up and we are now having strong wind and light rain. The rush is over at work so now the weather is agin me. Patience is a virtue, posses it if you can. Often found in a woman, but rarely in a man. So they say and it is trying me now.
I decided to enter this Lime and Lava competition so it is Pic 1

Cody, Nice Gussie. I would let it grow as per Nevs suggestions. The fertiliser I use Is Manutec Bloom Booster. The important thing is the NPK. N is nitrogen P is phosphorus and K is Potassium. The balance in Australian that is in Bloom Booster is N8.2 P 14.6 K 16.8. It is different in USA. A nurseryman ought to be able to tell you the equivalent with US numbers.
They are nice looking pups and it could make a nice clump, if that is the way you decide to go.
Jean You are welcome to the cold, maybe you could trade some temp with Cody as she is hot. Shame it doesn't work that way. I think Nev would like that too. You seem to like that can of worms looking up Fireball and it's hybrids,there seems to be confusion to the origins of the name.
Sue I have Zoe and Fireball striata which I have been told are the same plant. Now I will have to grow them side by side to examine both. The same light will tell the story, I hope. I haven't heard of Eoz before but I will be looking for it.
Tris nice looking fireplace. There is nothing quite like a real fire, not only for the warmth but also it is a living thing with it's own atmosphere. Countrystyle.
Nev nice pics.
Have a good one
Pic 1 Lime and Lava
Pic 2 Bilbergia Estrelle
Pic 3&4 A soft leafed Billbergia.

Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry Thumbnail by ianperry
Brisbane, Australia

Hi all,

just a quick note tonight. We have had one of those days when nothing seems to go right. And of course, it has been raining most of the day too.

I will try to catch up with all the posts over the next couple of days.

My pics are 1 - neo Pathos, 2 - neo Painted Lady x Georges Prince

Good night all,


Thumbnail by works4me Thumbnail by works4me

Hi to all!!!
Hi Sue thanks,yeah i think i will keep them together.It does sounds like it would be so awesome when they do flower.Take care!!
Hi Trish,yes ma'am it is great to see them.Wow!!! you have some many of them.Can't wait to see them bloom.They are all so very lovely.You are also very welcome.Take Care!!!
Hi Ian,thank you very much for the information.I hope i can find something like that.Lol about the weather.It has not rained here in a while and it is very hot here.Love the pics.Take care!!!
Waving hi to everyone!!!!

shellharbour, Australia

Hi everyone – A very cold morning again here today but it looks like it's going to be sunny so hopefully a bit warmer than yesterday.

Jean – Bad luck about the tree fern, but as I think I said before, I didn't know how it would go being transplanted as I read somewhere that there are three different types and only one will transplant easily and I don't remember which one that was nor do I know which ones I have growing, but they just seem to “pop up” all over the place, just like Birds Nest ferns. In fact I even had a Bird's Nest Fern grow out of the drain hole in the left mudguard on my old ute which I used to jokingly call my “Mobile Fernery ” (See Pic's 1.2 and 3)

Cody – As I said, we're always here to assist with information; you only have to ask. Also, see Pic.5 of my Guz. 'Hilda'; that had three pups and I just potted it on without dividing it and it looked great for months; in fact it still has the spikes on it now although the yellow is now turning to lime green so it's time for them to come off. Your plant has four pups so just think how much better that will look.

Sue – As soon as I saw the name Neo ('Bucaneer' x johannis) self it “rang a bell”. When I looked though my list of Neo's I see that I have a plant with that name among my seedlings, so maybe you gave me one of the seedlings also. I'll have to find it and post a pic.

Yes you did send me a pup of the “Real” Neo. 'Rain Cloud' and I think from memory that's the one where the centre goes white as it matures, isn't it?

Neo. 'Orange Glow' is one of my favourites and I'm just hoping it puts out a few pups although it's a bit of a slow grower for me. I always try to keep a spare, but last year a lady from our brom society brought a friend of hers and her elderly Mum (who has terminal cancer). Her Mum liked my spare plant so much I gave it to her as a gift and it was really nice to see the enjoyment she got from receiving it and at this stage she is still enjoying it although she is now house bound. If my existing plant makes a couple of pups I'll send you up one.

Trish – I'll have to run through my list and see just what marble types I have; from memory I think there are about eight or so different ones.

Neo.'Lovely Lady' is another beautiful brom from the Rob Larnach “Aussie Dream” grex. However I'm not able to grow it to the perfection that some of the Thai growers can, I've seen pic's of it over there with stacks of leaves and with perfectly round shape. Pic 4 is a (not very good pic) but it will give you some idea of what is possible.

The Neo. babies look really great, at least they now have a chance to show what they can do and I hope you get some good ones out of them, but please keep the pic's coming as they mature.

Ian – Sorry to hear the weather's against you with your construction; but they also say the ,”Slow and steady wins the race” or as my Dad used to say, “Do it slow and do it properly”.

I now have seven different pic's of Neo.'Lime and Lava' and although they are from different parts of the country, and the different light levels do alter things a lot, there is also the other possibility that it could be a bit like Neo.'Amazing Grace' where there are light and dark coloured forms.

Shirley – They're great pic's and the one of Neo 'Painted Lady' x 'Georges Prince' is a “little ripper”. I'm now hoping that I might get a nice one also as I have done that same cross as well as a couple of others using Neo. 'George's Prince' as a parent.

Anyway I have to go so today's Pic's are a bit of a mixed lot with Pic's 1, 2 and 3 being my Mobile Fernery; Pic.4 is a (not very good pic) of Neo.'Lovely Lady' in a Thai brom show, but it will give an idea of the shape and number of leaves the growers over there can achieve. Pic.5 is for Cody and is the Guz. 'Hilda' which I just left to clump up without removing the pups.

All the best, Nev.

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