What's wrong?

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

What is wrong with this leaf?

Thumbnail by birder17 Thumbnail by birder17
SW, AR(Zone 8a)

Without knowing the leaf’s history, I’ll suggest the plant wasn’t hardened off before being shocked by the great outdoors, bright sunshine and all that comes with it.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Or possibly sunburn? But like Adam said, without knowing the leaf's history...

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I'll go w. sunburn. Thanks.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

You're welcome. I hope the suggestion was/is helpful and that your babies are ok. :)

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, they are 8 feet tall now! I was just wondering what was wrong with the leaves way back in April. Now, I know what "not" to do next spring when I bring my seedlings outside.

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