Crimson King Maple - I'm SO Confused!

Warrenton, VA

I ask you, why are there as many pros as cons when it comes to this tree? When I see it in the neighborhood, I admire its retro look so much. I have YET to find one showing signs of invasiveness, yet, half of the opinions say that this is a BIG problem with the King Crimson.

Many say that it is dark and oppressive in the landscape, I say that it is a handsome contrast, especially against blues and dark greens. I love the wide leaves, and, honestly, have no use for the cousin Japanese Maples with those meager, rather stringy leaf types that curl easily when the sun is too strong. I appreciate the size as well, and can live with the substandard Fall color, when after all, it puts out Fall color from Spring through Summer and into Fall.
What is all the controversy all about?

Enterprise, AL(Zone 8b)

It appears the problem is the very shallow root system that is the problem. It sucks nutrients form anything around it.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I rather like Crimson King as well. Unfortunately it gets powdery mildew here quite heavily. I'm sure there are alternate cultivars out there that don't seed and have problematic root systems.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) is an invasive tree species in the eastern US. 'Crimson King' is but one selection, but all of them can produce seed which then infests unmanaged (natural) plant communities.

Surely you can find another purple foliaged plant that suits your fancy that will not ruin things for posterity.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Its seedlings will mostly be normal green Norway Maples, so you may not realise they come from the purple tree.


Warrenton, VA

Wow! I thank all of your for your words! I am thinking of alternatives. I think that a Japanese red-colored leaf Maple might be best. I am really starting to dislike ornamental fruit trees (except the old Cherry trees around the D.C. Basin), for many reasons, and so, Plums are OUT.
Again, I thank you and say that I always appreciate being a DG member so that I can ask good sources about such things.
And now that it's too hot to plant trees here in Virginia, I have a forced time period that inhibits impulse buying. ha!

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