Belle's Haven "GARDEN" 2013

Virginia Beach, VA

This is not for everyone but i LOVE my priced collections!!!

Welcome to Belle's !! Home of hundreds of perinnials, over 500 hosta cultivars, 50+ alocasia colocasia, succulents, rose garden, dwarf bananas, home made bonsai, well maintained lawn and plants that has history

Virginia Beach, VA

I forgot to attach pictures so bear with me

Virginia Beach, VA

Can some one tell me how to attach the pictures? I have tons of them. They are in a folder labeled belles haven garden 2013

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Just click on the CHOOSE A FILE box at the bottom of your post. Then you can select which of your picture files you want to use... It seems that the system can handle 5 pics at a time, providing they are less than 1 MB each (content) You will have to use the Choose a file box each time you add a picture....on pic per click.

Virginia Beach, VA

The first picture was made by a DG lady from Georgia

As you can see the lawn is well maintained-- zoysia and Dh mows every 3 weeks because it does not grow fast

3rd and 4th pix is at the side of the house . Island was created when DH was out of town on a golf outing. I hired someone and we created 2 beds which you will see in a picture.

5th picture is in front of the house and the palm trees which are flowering right now are 5-6 years old. They are cold resistant

This message was edited Jun 24, 2013 4:00 PM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Front of the house.
Mexican petunias comes back every year
Assorted euphorbias and other potted plants
More picture at the front entrance

Please id the heart shape plant on picture # 5... thanks

This message was edited Jul 12, 2013 5:10 AM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Very pretty Belle....I love the seahorse planter.

Virginia Beach, VA

More pictures!!!
I will edit the pictures tomorrow. i am so sleepy!!!

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Yes just exhausted!! We had 14 people for dinner Sunday and I was too tired.

Okay back to the picture.# 1 pathway to the front doo, and the 3 potted plants near the urn i got on a golf tournament . every player got one but 2 ladies did not like them . I took them in split second!!

# 2 The 2-tier planter are Christmas tree holder and I have a lot of them I invert them and create mixed dwarf plants I have all sort of plants on them and so far DH like it. He will let me know if he thinks it is out of place.
# 3same planter
#4a single planter but much bigger . I have assorted succulents on it.
#The other garage door is closed because we have a lot of stuff there so I have EE, plumerias and potted sedums

Virginia Beach, VA

I played from 10 to 3 and it was in the 90's but it was a good game.

Back to the pictures:

This message was edited Jun 25, 2013 5:58 PM

Virginia Beach, VA

I will edit tomorrow. I hope you are not bored

This message was edited Jun 26, 2013 4:37 AM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Back to the thread:
# 1- 3-tired Christmas tree holder as a planter situated in front of one of the garage door.
#1-more of the groupings
#3-entrance to the backyard--notice the corner large pot is new and has a large Adora upright alocasia in the middle surrounded by smaller variety of elephant ears. I also paced potted hosta
# 4 -other side of the entrance to the backyard. i also have a large planter with a large adora upright alocasia. there are potted hosta with a different color pot.
#5-same large pot woth alocasia

Will post more pictures the PM.


Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I honestly don't know anyone who would not be proud to have that garden as there own, I understand some people would not have the time to care for ALL the pots but my goodness Belle, you are amazing with all the work you do AND spend all that time on the golf course.

It always amazes me when folks pay lots of bucks for a home with a lovely landscaped garden and the first thing they decide to do is rip the garden up without even knowing what plants are still under the ground as they are out of season.
It takes many years for any sized garden to mature and blend in with it's environment, I wish those folks would advertise their plants for sale so others can at least continue to enjoy them but OH well maybe I'm just living in cloud coo-coo land ha, ha, ha.

I absolutely love your garden Belle BUT tell us, what did your husband think about this years show case EH, !!!!! he tells you off re all the pot's and plants you have to store over winter, JEEEEEEZ long may he spend a lot of time on that golf course that allows you free time to care for this little piece
of heaven you have created, bet all those dinner guests loved it too.
Long may you carry on with your gardening Belle and very best Regards. Have a great gardening year BUT also take care of yourself too.

Virginia Beach, VA

I was hoping you are going to follow this thread. I am going for golf this PM but will post more.

Don't forget that I do not do all the work I hire and it is not very expensive because I know a lot of people needing extra bucks. I supervise though,

Will post more later.It is truly a haven for me!!! It is very over whelming to a lot of my friends.
One neighbor told me if I ever get sick of my plants to give it to her.


This message was edited Jun 27, 2013 4:05 PM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Picture #1-- 6- tier planter that I bought and there are assorted mini-hostas and it truly is beautiful now that the hostas are thick.
# 2-this is my favorite bed. We created it when Dh was out of town on golf outing. this bed has assorted perinnials.
# 3-same bed
#4-Another bed located on one side of the sun room.
# 5-same bed and the potted plant is my new kafir lime. I bought it in Fort Walton Florida.

More coming.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

OH so you only supervise, ha, ha, ha. Well you obviously have a talent for planting, design, and lots of patience to boot, I absolutely love it and IF I were your neighbour I would NOT want any of your plants as I don't believe anyone else could copy your schemes, ideas, or just sheer determination and add inspiration also.
Keep hanging out here Belle, your a Joy to everyone who wants to achieve a bit of garden to call their own.

Very Best Regards and good luck.
Long may your husbands love of Golf and plenty of Golf Outings continue for lots more years to come ha, ha, ha.

Virginia Beach, VA

I do help pot and buy all the soil and dirt. I think the composting which is a way of life for us makes our plants healthy and robust.

One thing too is there is hardly any weeds because the mulch are thick.

Will edit in few days. Girls outing !!!

Thank you Weenel

#1Same bed at one side of sun room. I have potted hosta, assorted perinnials and mottled black alocasia that comes back every year.The drift wood near the kafir lime is from North Carolina.
# 2 same bed , I was hoping the Boston fern that was given by the gardener from the last resort we were in showed but it didn't.The plant was unusual to me because it has clusters of tiny fern leaves at the end of each stalk. I had it indentified and was told that it is a variety of Boston fern.
I am sorry for taking so much time with this thread, went to NYC for 4 days with 45 girls and just arrived from playing golf.
#3 This is a gum ball tree and was surrounded with azaleas but came home one day DH got rid of them. I waited few days what he was gonna do and found a lot of hosta around the tree. He did a good job and I like it!!!
# 4-this picture is showing the banana collection as well as plumeria collection.
#5 same bed and notice the other 5 tier planter. The top has strawberry and the rests are mini hostas.

Good night !!!


This message was edited Jul 3, 2013 4:58 AM

This message was edited Jul 3, 2013 5:02 AM

This message was edited Jul 3, 2013 8:00 PM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Back to the pictures!!
#-1--this is one corner in the yard, potted hostas, white butterfly ginger and potted tomatoes and eggplants. Like I said the gardens are packed. Also the large gray planter had impatience and bananas as the center plant.
#2-- Veggie garden with potted eggplant and tomatoes. this is not visible if you are just strolling admiring the flowers. it is in a corner. DH will never allow it to be too visible!! LOL!!!
#3--okra garden, I compost and so everything is lush.
#4--potted hostas
#5 --potted plumerias and bananas. My bananas are all ornamental.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2013 3:46 PM

This message was edited Jan 27, 2014 7:52 PM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

What a wonderal haven to live in!! I can't imagine myself doing all this work. Your home is beautiful and I know how proud you are of your landscaping.

Virginia Beach, VA

Thank you for the compliment. If you read the whole thread I do not do all of it. I hire help and very reasonable. I do not want to be a slave of my garden, i do supervise and the groupings is my husbands creation.

We do love the yard and very relaxing. I have over 100 pictures to post.

Happy 4th everyone.


Virginia Beach, VA

I will try to post more tomorrow.

Happy 4th to everyone!!!!


noonamah, Australia

That's looking really good. But oh what a lot of work! Even just to supervise and coordinate everything. I guess you'd have automatic irrigation, although I don't know your climate and whether you'd need it. My father would be very much into that kind of garden. Myself, I'm a lazy gardener, Rainforest/jungle needs to be rampant, luckily for me, LOL. I just need to select plants that will look, and go, wild. Most potted plants are only temporary until I find the right spot for them. Even my potted Hoyas are only there to provide cuttings for planting out in the garden. But I am looking forward to a time when I don't have to work and can spend more time in the garden. Gardens are our little havens.

Virginia Beach, VA

Tropic Good morning,
Yes it is overwhelming to a lot of people. It is stressful when the tropicals get unpotted, placed in large containers and placed in my part of the garage till spring. It takes 2 days to do it and has to be around to supervise. DH can not be around when i do it. LOL!!!

I still have a lot of pictures to post.The ones posted is just going into the backyard so stay tuned.
It is golf season so it is very busy for me.
I saw the picture of your garden and I love it. i do not have a lot of room for me. I especially like your aroids.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Tropicbreeze, Noonamah is NT near Darwin? My Daughter is in Brisbane. We visited NT, Uluru and the Olgas/Mt Conner in 2007. Beautiful country.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I am looking forward to more pictures Bella. I read that you hired help, but it still has to take a lot of your time to plan where you want to put everything. BTW, good luck golfing!!

Virginia Beach, VA

I had been under the weather the last 2 days, playing golf 4 days a week in this humid weather is taking its toll but feeling perkier so will post more pics this PM.


Virginia Beach, VA

busy all day potting and repoting.
Back to the garden:
#1-showing one side of the sun room and has rocks and low hedges,
#2showing both side of the sun room. There is a high plant holder and the top planter has the Boston fern that has tiny leaf cluster at the ends. This was given by the gardener where we had our family vacation in Florida
#3just DH zoysia lawn
#4more pictures of the lawn and the center bed is my rose garden. DH made the sign.
#5 Rose is mostly knockout roses

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

I may add that I use reciprocating saw with a old blade for weeding.+

Also I have 8 faucets around the house for beds that the sprinkler system can not reach.I was suprprised that DH added it, he was thinking of me hauling long hoses.


Virginia Beach, VA

#1-Egyptian walking onions and herb garden
#2-more potted hostas and verigated solomon seal.
# 3-more potted hosta, verigated yucca and lilliie
#4- more hosta, painters palette
#5 Solomon seals galore . I must have given away thousands.

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

I just edited the 5th picture on the 2nd grouping. I do not know the name of the heart shape plant. thanks

Virginia Beach, VA

Back to the thread;
#1--potted hostas some planters are 2-tier and tons of solomon seal
# --2 Pergola with kiwi plants that had gotten out of control. We do get freuits that are very sweet. Underneath are big leaf potted hosta .
Along this side are 7 persimmon trees and the produce is sold by someone and the proceeds goes to the food pantry.
#3 --potted empress wu hosta. The back ground is an enclosed veggie garden that was built with a helper. Actually she is a cleaning lady and took us few days to construct. I learned several terms like rebar, cable ties etc. It was built to discouraged the squirrels fro eating mt produce but they are smarter than me!! LOL!! It took few days to built.

Dh could not believe it just shook his head was not allowed to make comments!! LOL!!! This was posted on DG years ago.

#4--Rose garden take from the back

# 5--View of the back yard.

Will post more pictures soon

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I'm never failed to be amazed Belle, hope there are others who visit your thread and find inspiration, ideas or even some confidence that they too can make a small space to place a few pots or make a little sanctuary to call there own and even just get half the pleasure from that as you give out to all on the thread.
Thank you Belle, keep up the good work and go on enjoying.
Very Best Regards. Weenel.

Virginia Beach, VA

I thank you for following the thread. WE spend a lot of time outside, we have a sitting area where we just relax and enjoy the yard.
I will be posting more pictures soon.


Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Belle, It's self evident how much time and people spend outdoors and it's a credit to you all, I hope more people on the site get as much pleasure as I have from watching the pictures you have compiled for us to look at, keep well and stay green fingered.
Best Regards. WeeNel.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Thank you so much for posting these wonderful pictures of your home and garden. You landscaping is really a work of art. I'll never get tired of looking at them.

Virginia Beach, VA

I had not posted for days.

One one of the girls who was with us in the league passed away over a year ago and we asked if we can have a garden in her memory.The club gave us a big garden.

We planted a maple tree and heron sculpture. We planted tons of liriope and I had been busy planting more perinials.

Do you want to see a picture of the garden?

Back to my garden

#1--Entrance of my work area. I have to keep it neat because DH goes there once in awhile. He will tell me if it is messy! LOL!!
# 2--My veggie garden. This is enclosed and was posted when i was building it. my help was a cleaning lady. it was to discouraged squirrels eating the produce but they are smart!! I think I will get rid of it because it is driving DH crazy.
# 3--more picture of the veggie garden.I have tomatoes, oriental eggplants, 3 varieties of peppers and cucumbers.
#4 more pictures of the veggie garden.

Will post more pictures tomorrow.


This message was edited Jul 14, 2013 8:12 PM

This message was edited Jul 16, 2013 8:08 PM

Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg Thumbnail by bellieg
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I know I would love to see that memory garden. They are so special.

Virginia Beach, VA

I will post soon. In fact I am going to take pictures tomorrow because we have to finish the invitation.

The dedication will be in a month and we expect 80-100 people.


(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

How wonderful! The digital camera really makes it easy for us to take pictures and share them right away with others. Technology just amazes me!!

Virginia Beach, VA

I played golf today and was in the 90's awful!!! Just woke up from a nap ans will work on updates tonight.

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