6th Annual "RED, WHITE & BLUE" Swap: Showroom # 2

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

We came from showroom #1 http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1315707/

Again, just in case your buddy's camera isn't working, try to take pics of the goodies before packing.

Journey to your post office has begun. Make sure fragile items are well wrapped to avoid breakage during transit. If not using priority mail, please purchase delivery confirmation for your records.

Once you've received your RWB... please post pictures! Have fun and RWB is FOREVER in America!!

Bettypauze----------------Betty ♫
Seedtosser --------------Judy ♫
Lizrainey ------------------- Liz
Outlawheart81------------- Kelly
Lanakila ♫
Taters55------------------ LK
Jordankittyjo--------------Kathy ♫
Depsi-----------------------Deb ♫
Ahoogstra-----------------Alicia ♫
Happgarden--------------Joyce ♫
Ridesredmule------------Charleen ♫
Samigal--------------------Pegi ♫
Abbisgranma-------------Marion ♫
Goldhillal-------------------Crystal ♫
Robynzest------------------Robin ♫
Heavenscape-------------Jaye ♫

This message was edited Jun 25, 2013 10:36 AM

This message was edited Jun 26, 2013 2:23 PM

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

marking my spot :) my box will hit the streets on Monday !!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hope it's a soft landing, Thunder!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thaks for the new thread Jaye!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I forgot to say that the flower pot arrived in perfect shape. I will be making something for sure with material and rick rack. Now to study the sew it magazine and see what I can come up with. Now, I better get my pkg. out to my buddy.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I sent that magazine cause it has a red white and blue quilt in it. Flip the pages, you will find it! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I may even surprise myself!

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

First things first: It is important for you all to know that my hubs and I throw a lovely yard party on the 3rd of July each year. We travel into the Old South State to pick up some "supplies" because North Carolina won't let you have much more than sparklers. The party usually ends up with 60 or 70 folks of all ages, potlucking and hanging out in the yard. This makes the goodies that I received all the more special; they will become a part of this annual celebration!

Many thanks to Jax for the wonderful additions to our patriotic party! The pair of boots is actually a flower pot, and I've got just the plant to put in there. I've been waiting to plant one of my specialty parsleys until I found the right pot...and this is definitely the right pot! You can't see it in the picture, but the eagle figurine has an led in the base that makes all of the clear parts change colors. Since the majority of our party is held during the dark, this beauty will definitely shine in more ways than one!

Thanks again to Jax for the RWB goodies, and to Jaye for running this swap!

Thumbnail by lanakila
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my Lanakila ! You do celebrate Independance Day in a big way!! 60 guests??
You having such a gregarious personality, your guests must feel so at ease in such a large gathering.
Awesome planter. That will be the talk of your party for sure.. and that figurine will make a nice centerpiece too!
Our Jax here always try to pick lovely RWBs for her buddy.
Good job, Jax!!

Lanakila, thank you for joining the swap. Proud to share my love for U.S.A.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, look at those pretty boots! Nice job Jax!

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

I's beez so happy that you are so happy!!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I'd be happy when everyone's happy here, Jax. Looks like it's gonna be that way as the gifts are all truly wonderful and we're getting to know more about each other!

I never know till now that Judy loves irises!!! And I thought I knew all about her!!

Good morning fellow patriots! Hoping to see more pictures this week and since the weather's good in most part of the country, boxes will be safe from rains.

LK, you're in luck. Found a NOID yesterday. This is now...TADAAAAAAAAAA "Cartwright's Creations". Hope you like it.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Jaye, that is beautiful! I love it! Thank you!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Now I could see me line dancing with those boots, hmmm maybe I could paint mine to look the same lol
Hanging my head in shame, think I'd best be finding some July 1st Canadian decorations don't you.

Love the flower (noid) Jaye..I too am looking forward to seeing more R/W/B coming in.

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

my box is all packed up, I will be going to the PO tomorrow, have some thing to send to my Sailor boy, I have to finish sewing today...

♥♥♥ hugs

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

My box is sitting at the PO just awaitin' pickup by a very special DG recipient. Wonder who it is for??????

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Betty, it's now called "Cartwright's Creations". Since neither am I hybridizing or trading these daylilies, guess I can name the ones with lost tags anything. At first, I was gonna mark them as Jaye 1.. Jaye 2.. until Kizmo suggested naming them after real life sistahs! That was so conceited of me huh?

Thanks Thunder!

Betty.. Lanakila.. I sure hope your buddies are on their way home from their family visits.
I've FBed both of them!! Can't wait to see what you great ladies sent them.

Victoria Harbour, ON

thanks Jaye..wonder who is more anxious lol

Victoria Harbour, ON

Oh happy days, not sure if it's my red/white/blue swap or old/new/borrowed and blue swap but Debbie said a parcel arrived at her house in Buffalo, she is so sweet to let my parcels go to her house, anyway,mwhen she has a moment she will open it and take photo's and of course she will ohhh ahhh for me..if its this swap I will post..just sooo excited.

Reminds me when I got married, I dated for about a month and ended up in hospital for 6 months, fine place to date..they let me out for my wedding shower but before the day was out I was back in the hospital so there I was on the telephone and my maid of honor would relate what was in each box...get to do it again with my parcels going to Debbie..better these days of computer and camera's that can download, I'll get to see what was in my box shortly, hope it's tonight or I will not sleep. Lol

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my, Betty!! I've heard of long distance date.. but not from a hospital bed! Poor you.

I'm pretty sure it's for this swap Betty :D If it is, you won't be checking off names after this right?
Can't help you on the sleep part.
Good ole Debbie, helping you out like that. She's such a good friend to you.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm.. quiet today.
Lanakila, your buddy has responded and said she'd be on her way home Thursday.
She's excited to see what RWB treasure is waiting for her!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Know Debbie had a busy day ahead of her, am sure the minute she has time to unwind she will open the package..not like me Jaye, usually I don't make it out if the post office and it's opened, of course stall at post office always want to see what is inside as well !

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Home finally and guess what I found on my front porch. Not telling who it was from but I am off to open it now and I can only imagine what wonderful treats MIGHT be contained in side..........back soon!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, can't wait to see what you got Marion!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Bet you are glad to be home Marion..

Past my bed time, night/ night

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I found the most fantastic items in my package.....not just for me but this dear thoughtful lady included a gift for Kim. My buddy was the incomparable Bettypauze!!!!!!! I received 6 wonderful quilted placemats made from some really pretty red, white and blue fabric, an armchair pin cushion ( I really needed that as I have been cross stitching lately and needed something to put my loaded needles into) a spool each of red, white and blue thread all in a cleverly designed bag. There was a really nice shoulder bag for Kim made from the red, white and blue fabric also. To say I am thrilled is not quit adequate enough for this great gift but how I feel is nothing to the smile that was on Kim's face when she realized the shoulder bag was for her!!!

Thank you Betty for the time, work and thoughtfulness you have shown to me and Kim. Pictures will be coming but tonight we both are so tired that is a struggle to even move. Besides everything is loaded with things we have taken out of the car and I have no intentions of showing you my mess!!! :-)

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My box went out yesterday....yes...so it should be arriving soon....only problem, my nephew and g-nephew came out to my house at 8am to help me weed and mulch for a master gardener tour on Sunday....well my box was ready so we ran to town to pick up stuff for them to eat and drink and I taped up the box and mailed it and left the card on the table.... ;(

So if you get a box from me just remember you are a STAR!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

We won't mind the mess, right ladies? We'd just be oohing and aahing over the goodies you got from Betty! What you had described Marion, sounds to me like Christmas present for Kim too! Perhaps she could proudly display her country across her shoulder when she's in the DR.

Joyce, your buddy is a special star in this DG galaxy!

Cool temps here, perfect day for more garden work.
Hope to see more pretties today!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Jaye, don't forget the bounce sheet when you go to the gardens!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

hummm, must be slower today than normal what's the bounce sheet and garden?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Bounce sheets keep the mosquito's away. Tuck them in your pocket or waist band.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ohhh, didn't know that. I use bounce in the laundry but when I buy it I want it in a bag by itself and tied because the perfume gets into everything. But working in the garden it would be better to smell like bounce than sweat, dirt, and manure...rofl you thought I was going to say tears didn't ya!

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Joyce, you should try the Bounce Bar. It sticks inside your dryer and lasts several months. I find that it softens but doesn't smell. I don't like my clothes to smell like laundry perfumes. I make my own laundry detergent because of that too. It's cheaper, works better, and doesn't smell.

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

I get to feel love from Betty every time I walk in my door.!!
She had my name last year. This is one of the things I got.
My box is on it's way.

Thumbnail by barefootT
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

LK, I didn't forget. Had a note posted on the door, and tucked some bounce sheets under my collar and waistband.
No mosquitoes!

That's awesome if you make your own detergent, Lanakila. Is yours a top or front loader?

Thunder, we are very fortunate to have such loving DGers. Betty has indeed a generous spirit.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Tina, Debbie just forwarded me photo's of my pretties..thank you, thank you and lordy someone must have told you of my following the Collingwood Elvis Festival and there was a note pad of Elvis in my Red/White/Blue box..hmmm maybe I can bring it to Collingwood end of July and get some autographs..

Some red/white/blue solar lights and candles for the secret garden table and pathway

Red/White/Blue stones I can put into my new hypertufa containe

Streamers to put across the back deck

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Seeds, most of these I've not heard of so now it's off to check the name on google to see what they shall be..nice to get something completely different from what we grow here..

I'm anxious to pick up my package from Debbie, not so sure it will be before July 4th if not they will be on hand for early 2014 R/W/B decorating.

Thank you kindly Tina..as always I love my Red/White/Blue and being able to participate with you all..

USA is a wonderful country, appreciate how you are always there fighting for our freedom!

Thanks Jaye for your work on the swap...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, look at all those goodies you got, and Elvis too! ^_^

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Someone? Now, seriously Betty.."someone"? Let's say there are many that know you well, know about your affair with Elvis!! Lolol!!!

Oh my Tina, you did good girl! She's always bragging about her secret garden, so you'll light up that cherished spot of hers.
How did you manage to find that Elvis stuff. I can't find any around here!

Good job Tina!!

Betty, Canada is always the first to stand by USA's side when we need military help!

This message was edited Jun 19, 2013 5:04 PM

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

I have a top loader and my mom, who makes the same laundry detergent, has a front loader. The soap rinses clean, so neither of our machines get sticky gunk or stinky funk. I keep thinking I'm going to put out a greywater system to recapture my laundry water, but haven't gotten around to that yet. I only now got ONE of my rain barrels put in...and, of course, it has rained regularly since then. I'll be more grateful for those barrels when the summer gets hotter and more dry.

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