Eucalyptus pods, rare acorns, pittosporum sources?

Broomall, PA

My parents make natural-material craft ornaments for a museum nature conservancy group. All proceeds go the museum's nature preserve and artwork fund. My parents and the museum volunteers would be so grateful for assistance. They are looking for eucalyptus pods such as the ones in the attached photo. I've searched online for a place to buy some without much luck. Does anyone know where I can buy these pods?

The volunteers have also put me on the hunt for other needed materials included:

pittosporum undulatum (Victorian Box) berries
jacaranda pods
and the most coveted of their requests - acorn caps from the quercus cyclobalanopsis pachyloma (aka Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma (Seemen) Schottky (synonym)).
The tree is native to China and Taiwan. I've attached a photo of the acorn caps (used to make hats for figures).

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! We are hoping to make connections for sources of material and will gladly pay for material and the mailing costs.



Thumbnail by nik610 Thumbnail by nik610
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I thought I've seen the Eucalyptus pods on ebay. You might want to look for Eucalyptus macrocarpa and, as the name implies, macro (large) carpa (seed). I found this art piece with it used:

Broomall, PA

Thanks so much for your response. I want the artwork you attached - it is amazing!
I've been searching using the term you suggested without much success. I'll keep looking.
If anyone has any ideas of where to find any of the items I listed above, I would appreciate any ideas.

Broomall, PA

Funny, I just ordered stuff from that site yesterday! Those are the only pods we do have - the other two in the photo I attached are the ones we can't find.
Thanks for helping me research. I found one supplier on ebay for the macrocarpa and I may get some there - I need them in bulk and can't really justify buying four seed pods for $1. Thanks again.

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