CLOSED: Have: seeds of the following:

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

Free to good home w/ sase...

Hyacinth Bean vine
Moon Flower vine
Pride of Barbados (Mexican Bird of Paradise?)
Native TX Bluebonnets
Breadbox Poppies
Coral Lace vine
Trumpet vine (one unopened pod, from 2012...don't know how to plant these, don't have enough fence to plant the one plant I DO have. :~)

Peel, AR(Zone 7a)

I would be interested in the Hyacinth, Coral Lace, moon flower and the trumpet vine. Please send me a dmail! And tell me where to send to.

Mebane, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello! I would be interested in the breadbox poppies. :) Thank you!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hello TexasDollie,

I would be interested in the Pride of Barbados. Just let me know if you still have them, I guess?


Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Could you tell me what do breadbox poppies look like?

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

Txtea, I can do you one better: here are photos of them from the garden at our last house (we just moved)...I basically scatter the seeds sparingly--they don't like to get bunched up when I'm harvesting the dried pods each spring. They start coming up in later winter of the next year, and are usually finished blooming by mid-April or so. If you don't harvest the seed, be prepared for LOTS of volunteers. :~) Since they make so much seed, I have more than enough for the beds and then lots to give away. Maybe I should give them to people who bake?

Thumbnail by TexasDollie Thumbnail by TexasDollie Thumbnail by TexasDollie Thumbnail by TexasDollie Thumbnail by TexasDollie
Fabens, TX(Zone 8a)

Dollie, they are just beautiful. If you happen to have any extra please let me know would like to try them in west texas.

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

I do indeed have plenty of poppy seeds, just sent you a d-mail.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I would like some poppies and some bluebonnets if you still have those.

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

Steady, I d-mailed you.

Thanks everybody for giving the seeds a good home! I look forward to sending them out to everyone.

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