looking for specific iris

Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone, was wondering if anyone has a specific iris that they would be willing to send for reasonable postage????

Am looking specifically for an iris named "oyez" . If anyone has a few pieces they would be willing to share please let me know. THANK YOU. Shirley

South Hamilton, MA

Do you grow aril irises well? Oyez is one & might be difficult in your climate. Try Superstition Iris Garden in CA.

Saginaw, MI

others have done fine, got flooded a couple of months ago and irises stood in standing 30 degree water for about 4 days -- many turned to mush -- oyez being one of them

thanks for the info

South Hamilton, MA

aril are desert plants & would not like wet feet. sorry about your storm.

Saginaw, MI

You are definitely correct on that !!! Tried to dig many of them out and let them dry out for a couple of days than put in pots to no avail . Did manage to save some though. Oh the trials and tribulations of us gardeners !!

Concord, NC

I have Oyez, their not very large, but several of them still bloomed for us this year, would you trade for a fan of Tangerine Carnival? send me a dmail.

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