Looking to trade

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Have rooted cuttings in 9oz cups,

P.amethyst aka Lavender Lady
P.Incense (16oz cup)

Looking for other passiflora that I don't already have. Send me a dmail and I can respond to let you know what I have already. Looking for heat tolerant plants as I'm in Florida.


This message was edited Jun 10, 2013 10:39 PM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Don't you have P. 'Lady Margaret', Darren?

How about P. incarnata - both white and purple?

I'd like to find colors of orange or pink.

Pawleys Island, SC

Kay, I have P. incarnata if you are looking. Mine is the native purple variety.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the kind offer - I discovered a man in the neighborhood had it growing in his yard and he was kind enough to share with me.

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Kay, you scare me, yes I have Lady Margaret cuttings too!

I have received p.incense and think I'm going to forgo, p.incarnata for the moment. Kay, I haven't forgot you. P.sanguinolenta suffered a short set back with lack of attention and almost died, it is recovering and you'll get a cutting from the first batch I take. I will send you p.amethyst if you want it now.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Darren, whenever you feel you want to send anything, I will be happy to receive and grow it.

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Let me try to get some p.sanguinolenta going and I'll put both in the mail.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much!!!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Are you still trading
I have a few seedlings of Temptation X Temptation. A purple trip loud from German seeds.. It.s hardy here in north Alabama...returning from it's roots
I'd love anything red or white
Lets see if I can dig my first picture out of my new ipad
Well it seems to have worked
Any other traders interested.. A vigorous grower

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Are you still trading
I have a few seedlings of Temptation X Temptation. A purple triploid from German seeds.. It.s hardy here in north Alabama...returning from it's roots
I'd love anything red or white
Lets see if I can dig my first picture out of my new ipad
Well it seems to have worked
Any other traders interested.. A vigorous grower

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Gordon,

Yes, I look forward to trades. Have a full plate rest of this week and next, I'll will get back to you when I can do something. May p.caerulea Constance Elliott to send.


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Oh...I have white wedding. A tetraploid of Constance Elliott .. Maybe a bright red...

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I live in South Florida, halfway between Boca Raton and West Palm Beach. I had a treillis covered with a Byron's Beauty. It was gorgeous. Then, the Gulf Frittilary caterpillars came. I sprayed the vines, but the cats returned and returned until they had eaten the whole thing to bits.

If some of you have a passionflower that wouldn't taste like candies to the caterpillars, I'd gladly pay for postage and reward you for your trouble somehow. Please D-mail me if you are interested. I used to own P. coccinea that the caterpillars leave alone, but I can't find any these days, for some reason. I do have some rooted cuttings of p. foetida. That's all I have left.


Center, TX

Hi all, I live in TX and have one passé that is light purple. This year it had 2 fruit and I left them to dry. Will the seeds germinate and what do I need to do. I just have a few seeds but I would like to see if I could grow them. Any help appreciated. Alda
Also, will the plants come back on the old vines or should I clean the trellis and wait for root shoots to come up. Can you tell this is my first passé?

Tarpon Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Sylvain, you should look for Passiflora Vitifolia. They pretty much leave mine alone and that is the only one. It is red, a strong bloomer except for the summer.

alday, the seeds, if dry should be soaked in warm water for a day or two and then sowed. If your plant died off because of the cold and it was incarnata, temptation or incense, yes it will probably come back when it warms up. Other hybrid/plants may come back too depending on what you had. If they are dormant now, this is a fine time to prune them back.

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