Canadian geese distroying garden

La Grange, KY

In late summer, when their migration is going full swing, Canadians eat my hostas, then use their big rude feet to trample the leftovers, including the rest of my tiny part-shade garden. Seems deer, rodents and slugs bother most people, and there are commercial products to dissuade these garden pests.

But what do gardeners do with geese? I need suggestions, and stories of success, from whomever has a clue. Thanks.

Mentor, OH

I've talked to people who say they have been pretty successful using full-size foam coyote decoys. They need to be moved a little each day so the geese don't get used to seeing them in the same place all the time and get wise. Many sporting goods stores sell them. They used to be around $35.00. They come with a single stake that is placed in the center of the decoy so it swivels in the wind for a more life-like appearance. Some of the factories and office buildings with landscaped lawns in our area use them. I see geese around but never close to the decoys.

La Grange, KY

What a wonderful idea! Thanks. I'll look for the decoys.

Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

Our beach in town uses these decoys and they appear to work very well. Before they go up the geese are all over the lawn, after they go up..they stay in the water.

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