Goldfish and the lilies

Decatur, GA

Now that the water is clear I decided to repot a huge lilie plant in hopes it will bloom more. Its yellow. The peach one is going gangbusters but the yellow hasn't really been blooming much. I guess its probably since it was really crowded in its pot. The peach one might be as well but since its doing so well I will leave it alone.
Anyway now I can see the goldfish and I liked this picture. Some of them have nodules on their bodies. I first noticed them this spring but they don't seem to be bothering them at all. They also don't seem to be progressing in anyway. Anyone with an idea about the lesions?

Thumbnail by helenchild Thumbnail by helenchild Thumbnail by helenchild
Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b)

If you can gert a better pic of the lesions you're talking about, maybe (?) I can help you....I don't see anything in this pic? Can you explain more? :)

Decatur, GA

In the picture the fish on the right has a raised lesion on its body that is visible in the picture. It is lighter colored than the fish, you can see its outline on the edge of the fish's body, closer to the tail than the gills. I haven't taken a fish out to examine them more closely so really can't say much more that that. Not all the fish have them and the ones I have noted don't seem to be changing from when I first noticed them this spring. (after I finally got the water clear.)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

How did your fish make out?

Decatur, GA

The bumps have gotten a little bit bigger but the fish still seem fine. I haven't noticed any new lesions either. So who knows? I will keep an eye on them and post any big changes.

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