CLOSED: WANTED: Taro Root bulb (alive with green buds)

West Babylon, NY(Zone 7a)

I need a fresh Taro Root bulb (has green buds) purchased from a grocery store/food market. I have bought 4 from mine and they all failed to grow with proper planting outside, think they put on a preservative to prevent growing they were semi waxy so I have 0 plants. :(

All places online are selling elephant ear bulbs from the garden store labeled as taro root even though they arent taro, but wild elephant ear (taro root) gets much bigger than most garden store elephant ears so I need that.

Anyone have 1 bulb to spare they managed to save from the grocery store that's alive and ready to plant?

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

Keith Dmail me..mine grow all the time form the market here. (Thai market)
Kyle :-)

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