It June-that means daylilies I LOVE June

Ripley, MS

This will be the chatting thread for June, gave Marilyn a tiny break

So many Stars---gifted to me by Bonnie

Thumbnail by slcdms
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I said JUNE and then realized it is June!!!!! Taking a break for lunch. Working on my antique booth today. I had already planned to be down there but it seems it always takes longer to get things ready than I thought!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh, love that So Many Stars, Sandra! I did look it up in the plant files last night while I was waiting and waiting and waiting somewhere, but I was totally unfamiliar with the plant until then. I think my sister saw it blooming somewhere because she was talking about how pretty the bloom was. I was just trying to find out something about them for her................... and thought SURELY someone on here had experience with them. ^_^

Ripley, MS

Maybe yet someone will know, but I sure don't I might should find out because, it is a pretty blue !

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Sandra, I have several of your DL's starting to bloom! So excited to see some new ones this year! I took a few pictures yesterday but am too tired to post anything tonight. Lots of buds still to come too.

Marilyn, I also had 2 blooms on the calla lily you gave me. Talk about surprised! It is beautiful, a pretty dark pink. I can't remember who brought the "hot lips" salvia, but it is blooming away too.

I don't know about y'all but I can hardly keep up with all the weeds. Preen doesn't seem to have worked so well this year. I have a little bit of fresh pine straw still to put out and plan to get that done this weekend.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Looking forward
To seeing all the day lilies !

Ripley, MS

I am glad you are getting some blooms, Elaine. I did a trade with a lady earlier this spring and didn't expect any blooms from them this year, but they have buds too! Maybe I will have some new ones to show

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been up w Nola and finally got her to go to sleep. She had been crying and I couldn't figure out why. She's got a slight fever. But not bad. Almost seems worse tha. Better but she did do pretty good today. Even was determined to climb a set of steps and did w my help. For some reason. Her legs don't work as well at night as they do during the day. The vet said it would be 6 days before she showed signs of improvement. It's only been two since he changed her meds. I hope it doesn't take that long. It's very hard for us to get her up and stabilized enough for her to walk on her own to te bathroom. It takes two of us now. :(

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Well. I've pretty much been up w Nola all night. I know he has to go to the bathroom. We carried her on her sleep pillow outside and she would not put any pressure on her back legs. We worked w her for 20 min and never for her to stand on her own. So needless to say I'm gonna call the vet again today. The steroids he gave her for joint pain isn't helping her at all. I know I have to give her the 6 days. That's what he will say. Maybe later on in the day she will go. But her fever is back up today to 106 that really makes her feel bad. I'm really at my wits end not knowing and limited on how to help and it definitely takes two of us to work w her. No water for her this morn but she did eat about 1 1/2 cups of food w all her meds mixed in

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

With that high fever, if she isn't drinking very much she might be dehydrated which would explain why she isn't urinating ..... ?? just a thought. What does the vet say is wrong with her?

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

My DLs have been blooming and I have really been enjoying them. I make a trip around my beds each evening to see what is blooming that hasn't been.

Here are some of my favorites..............

Can't remember the name of the first one at the moment - although I have dug out the tag twice recently to try to engrain the name in my head.....apparently it isn't working! The second is buttered popcorn, pass me not, perseus sandals, and paper butterfly. I am so enjoying the new blooms!!

Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann I know you feel so bad for Nola!! I'm like Genna she may be dehydrated from all that fever. Hope the vet can get something done for her!

Genna your day lilies are really pretty!
Mine are blooming like crazy now too.

Ripley, MS

Wet here today, iy came up a storm in the early morning, thunder lightening and rain. we needed the rain here, the beds were very dry. I put water in the holes of everything I set out from the swap and let it soak in yesterday. I made a little progress not enough though. Kathy Ann, I put my diamond head in a big pot, boy did my back hurt last night, I put it in the wheelbarrow before filling it with dirt, then moved it where I wanted it, I tried not to do any more than guide it out of the wheelbarrow, sometimes things work, I still had to do a little man handling. I still like a lot having everything set out.
Hold Your Horses
Dashing double
Brand new lover
NOID-yellow double

Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms
Ripley, MS

Oops--messed up, can you imagine ME messing up?????
Here is the real brand new lover

I didn't have a tag on the other one posted as that above

Thumbnail by slcdms
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Love those day lilies. I only have 2 blooming right now.

Nola is eating and drinking. She's not dehydrated. I ppsted on fb what the vet said about her. They did do the blood test for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Well know Friday afternoon. He upped her prednisone also.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sandra, I commented on FB - but I really love that Hold your Horses. I have it and Wild Horses ? (going from memory) on my want list. I love them both. I am hoping to be able to do some trading after blooming season since i finally have several new ones. All your pictures are gorgeous! I am having so much fun walking around every day seeing what is blooming ............ too bad they can't bloom all summer!!

Ripley, MS

Well, if you have enough you can see blooms for a while, I went on a kick for a couple of years and only bought or traded for ones that rebloom, but if they don't get enough water, they won't bloom the second round.
That Hold Your Horses is a huge bloom too !

Ripley, MS

Well another mistake , apparently I can't baby sit and do posts too

That is Volusian spider in the post above

Here is the "real Hold Your Horses"

Thumbnail by slcdms
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Its beautiful! I sure have a lot more than I had to look at last year ..... that is for sure as I added about 50 to my yard. I lost a couple of those, but most made it thru and are doing really well. I did lose some that I planted earlier in the fall that were Westborne DLs that I purchased some clumps from someone here on DG. I lost every one of them, and i have lost every other WB dl that I have ever purchased except for some unnamed seedlings. I have no idea why I can't seem to get them to grow. :( The few that I lost out of all the others that I planted were all very close to each other. I had thought I had lost 4 or 5 in a row, but now 2 of them are BARELY putting out leaves. They are WAYYYY behind all the other DLs. This just happens to be close to the Crepe Myrtle that appears to be "stuck" in bud form. The "buds" for lack of a better word to call them are getting slightly larger, but definitely WAY, WAY behind all the rest of my CMs in development. Must be something weird going on in that area ...................

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

Two new bloomers yesterday, but no idea what they are. The darker one has a bunch of new buds on it.

Thumbnail by happytail Thumbnail by happytail
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I got some of my stuff from Sat planted this afternoon. I plan to spend the rest of the week mainly working on the yard. That's the plan - we'll see how it goes! I have a young man coming over tomorrow morning to get some plants. He lives in the neighborhood but not on my street. The deal is I'll share but they have to come over and walk around with me and I'll let them know what I can share if they want it. Then they have to dig it up! I have a young couple coming over this weekend to do the same thing.

I took a few pictures this afternoon. The first is an absolutely beautiful Japanese iris. Note how big it is in comparison with my hand. I had to hold it up to take the picture. I think it came from Kathy Ann. The second is another Japanese Iris I got from Kathy Ann. The others are day lilies. I have tags for them but I didn't get down and search for the name. The fourth bright yelllow one I just love. It is a true lemon yellow and is a really big one.

This message was edited Jun 5, 2013 8:27 PM

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That is a huge Japanese iris, do you still have the name for it?

Love love love that hold your horses daylily!!

I have to go meet the house mover this morning so I'm on call have to stay inside till danny calls and says go! Ya'll, I really don't want to do this little venture. we put a pencil to all the costs last night and it's way more than I thought it would be, not sure if it's worth it, and it will be 10 years before we see any profit off it. It's too big an ordealI for us also. but i'm staying out, maybe the bank will tell us we can't borrow the $$ lol he needs to go about building his retirement some other way. Not sure how yet. anyways, we'll get it figured out.

I can't do any yard work this morning, and it will be too hot when I get back. I've made a little progress on the wisteria in the side yard, also bought some stump remover and going to set fire around the 3 stumps and try to burn them down. then lay black plastic over the whole thing for a while.

I guess it's this heat too, cause I haven't wanted to do anything, haven't been in the mood . I think maybe Nola is bringing my mood down. hopefully we'll find out something tomorrow when all her tests come back, and if they all come back negative, THAT is a bad thing. means we have to find another vet and there is something major going on, and these meds were for nothing at all. But I can't think like that. All this waiting is killing me!!!

Nola is doing much better this morning, since he upped her prednisone, more than likely, all this meds might do something to her growth, not sure, but she may end up not being a dog we'd want to breed when this is all over with. But that's ok too. I guess we just have to take it one day at a time. She had a good nights sleep and was able to get up easy enough today to go outside. Which is such a relief, I was having a super hard time getting her up and going on my own till he upped her prednisone.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well I take I didn't get that Japanese Iris from you Kathy Ann. I need to dig around and see if I have a tag.
I've had rental property twice and it's not for me!!!! But everyone is different.
Glad Nola is doing better today.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Glad to hear Nola is doing better. Hope they find what is wrong.

My baby, Sugar, that had surgery last Friday came home Monday evening. She was to start her antibiotics by mouth on Tuesday - twice a day. She took one that morning and threw up about 3 hrs later. Called the dr - had to go get some baby food because it is easier on their stomach - and said not to give it Tuesday night. So, yesterday morning, I fed her BEFORE the antibiotic and she still threw it up about 3 hrs later. :( So, knowing she needed the antibiotic because the uterus had a couple of small ruptures in it and the infection had gotten into her abdomen....there was a chance she could develop pericarditis (sp?) and they said that would be "
VERY BAD"..... I called the dr again yesterday. Had to take her in to my local vet for a shot of antibiotic - and I think she will have to have a shot for several days. I can give them myself, but the local vet had not talked directly with the dr in LR so he wasn't sure how many days, etc they wanted her on it. So, back we go this afternoon.....................

Kathy, what was the name of the salvia that you had at the RU? Blue something or something blue? I didn't see a tag in my pot..........

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Blue sapphire salvia. Hope your baby is feeling good soon too

Ripley, MS

born too late
Pirates lady
Ruby spider
Peacock maiden
Heavenly starfire

Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms Thumbnail by slcdms
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Beautiful blooms Sandra. Love that Ruby Spider and Heavenly Starfire!

Thanks KA............ she is feeling SO much better than she was! We just don't need that infection to get a foothold or we will probably lose her. I have spent a small fortune on her in the past week...but I love her so what else can you do? The clinic that I took her to in LR has a lot of the state of the art equipment. They were so good to her, and very nice to all of us - and the dr that we used has been so nice with my phone calls. I had called the same clinic (and spoke to a different dr who I got to meet last Friday) when Maggie was having her horrific seizures ? back in March the day before she died. She was extremely kind to me that day as well. They did a bunch of bloodwork on Sugar when I took her in and she was telling me it would be Monday before they had the results (because it was a Friday) but she said they sent their bloodwork to Baptist hospital............... i found that interesting....... Sugar lost 6 lbs in less than 2 weeks (1/5 her body weight) - part of it was the uterus full of infection, but I know she had already lost weight prior to me taking her to LR. She looks like a youngun again! ^_^

How is Nola doing today?

By the way, everyone, I have been meaning to tell ya'll that Tom's finally announced their winners about a week ago for the trip that Jessica was trying to win! They took a LONG time to name the winners... and apparently she was a lot closer than we thought because many of those with the "huge" number of voters didn't get to go. Maybe they had computers voting or something...not sure. Jessica did not get to go on the trip :( but she had enough votes that they have given her some options to chose a free pair of their new sunglasses that they are selling. The glasses retail for over a 100 so she was excited to have a chance at them. I guess she will try again next year for the trip. Thank you again for everyone who voted and asked others to vote as well.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Hey, Genna! Glad Jessica at least got a great prize!

Dogs! They will cost you a fortune! But we love them and hate to see them sick! I hope all your babies get better soon. My friend and co-worker spent a fortune on one of her Goldens recently. Found out she had eaten a spool of thread! Yep. After her throwing up all night and not eating or drinking, it turned out she had eaten something. They had to do surgery to get it out since it had caused an obstruction, and lo and behold, there it was. She knew she had dropped a spool of thread and couldn't find it but thought it had rolled under a chair. Goodness!

Lovely, lovely DL blooms, girls!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes dogs can cost a forture! We had a Llsa Apso before the two maltese we have now. She was constantly at the vet! She had lots of urinary tract infections and they had her on a special diet. She was the one that the vet had me giving canned green beans and canned carrots to on top of her special dog food. I owed the vet something every month!! Usually a lot!! She also had to have emergency surgery one Sun for a cyst on her ovary that was about to rupture! Not cheap! The two I have now (knock on wood) have been very healthy. Just their yearly shots.

My son and family have a pug and several years ago when the kids were young he ate a wheel from a lego set. He had to have surgery to remove it. He was fine after surgery but the kids decided it was time to pack up and get rid of all the legos. I think he could eat but couldn't poop.

Samantha is the food scavenger!! She is finding bones in our back yard somehow! Several days ago I discovered her chewing on a bone! I hadn't given her one! Looked like a rib. Of course I took it away to her dismay! Then today when I let her in I noticed she had something in her mouth. It was another bone!!! She knew she wasn't supposed to have it but I finally got it away from her. It looked like a steak bone!! I don't cooks steaks with bones and don't put any kind of bones in my backyard!!! Where on earth is she getting them? Could critters be dragging them into my yard? The first one I thought could have been a bone from a dead animal. But this one was definitely from a cut of meat from the grocery store!

A reminder of something you probably already know but if they eat something that is poisonous make them throw it up by giving them hydro peroxide. Samatha did eat some chocolate when she was small and my vet did have us make her throw it up. He told me to keep giving it to her until she threw up. It took about 3 doses but it did work!

Genna what is the name of the vet clinic in LR.

Back to the salt mines! Working in the yard today!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I went to Hillcrest Animal Clinic on Kavanaugh................. so, you know from the location it isn't cheap, but the head surgeon there is a vet, plus an internal medicine and neurology specialist, and i think he has a third specialty but I can't remember what it was. I never met him - and I am not sure he did Sugar's surgery. They never called the dr by name - just kept saying 'the surgeon' but I do know when I headed that way with her, they said he was trying to get out of the office by 12 to catch a flight that afternoon. Sugar didn't even go back for surgery until 1:30. I feel fairly certain another surgeon did it, but my vet said he thought Dr Nafe did.............. I said it didn't matter to me as long as she came thru it ok!

It has been POURING down rain here - storming like crazy................... it dropped the temps quite a bit. Maybe it will stay that way and I can get some more stuff done. I had worked and worked like crazy cleaning my big circle bed out - had it almost completely clean and now you can't even tell it. 4 oclocks by the thousands (guess I stirred up the seeds as I was cleaning) and some grass. I am trying to clean it out yet AGAIN, and put down cardboard and mulch as I go. I also have a large area at the far end of my foundation bed that has been cleaned out - but it needs about 10- 12 more bags of cow manure in it before I cover it up. NO ONE in town had any last weekend..... I had hoped Leigh could at least bring home a few but with all this rain, I doubt he puts any in his car!

That is one good thing about Sugar.....she had basically only had yearly shots except for the c-section she had when she had her only litter. Now, I need to get Abby spayed. My vet wasn't crazy about spaying such small dogs (esp with their short snouts) and they don't usually cycle but once every 3 yrs or more...... so I wasn't going to bother. But, after this, I don't want to take the chance on her getting this same thing - so she will be spayed. Plus, now he has another vet that has joined his practice and is MUCH she doesn't mind doing surgeries on small dogs.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Charlotte, where did you get those drift roses that you brought to KAs? I was going to see if Leigh might could pick me up a few............ those are such a good price compared to the ones I have seen! I realize they may all be gone by now..............

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

The emergency animal clinic is in Maumelle and they do surgery. That's were my Llsa had surgery.

Cindy your right the Monroe (Union Parish) accent is very distinctive! My twin grandsons have one more year of high school but they are already working on college entrance. Contrary to what most people think CA colleges especially the UC system is very difficult to get into and expensive! The boys have to write an essay as part of their entrance requirement. It's very important so they have hired a professional coach for the boys. My DIL was talking to the coach on the phone yesterday and thought she sounded like me so she asked where she was from. Turned out she grew up in Monroe, LA!!! She has lived in New York and CA since she left but still has her accent!

Genna I got the drift roses from the Colony West Kroger store. They were getting picked over. I imagine all the Kroger stores had them.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Alex and Natalie had to take their new baby to the Maumelle emergency clinic on Sunday after they got her on Saturday night because she was so sick....... but then when she had to go back to the vet during the week they had to take her to a regular vet because the Maumelle clinic didn't take regular patients during the week.... just emergencies on weekends - or at least that is how Alex and Natalie understood it. They were there about 3.5 hrs waiting to see the dr. They said it was not a first come, first serve but was similar to a human ER in that they were seen in order of severity of the emergency. But, they were pleased with the service they got there.

Thanks for the info on the Kroger......... I suspect they are all gone by now, but I will try to get him to check at a few.

KA, is Nola feeling better today??

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Well. I'm up w the dogs. So I decided to get on daves. Nola is doing ok. She's getting up on her own. Butt I fear that's only because we upped her prednisone. Still very weak jointed. She tripped over ambe's foot today while stepping out side and fell. Laid there crying till we helped her back up. I'm fear the worst if those tests come back negative Friday afternoon. We will have to take her to another vet and expenses could go high to find out what's wrong. For now she's ok but not getting better that I can tell. And I feel the prednisone is the only reason she's getting up at all. I hate this.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

:( So sorry to hear this KA. I sure hope you are able to get the test results early so that you can get her on to somewhere else today instead of having to wait until Monday if that is what you are going to have to do. She is so sweet - I know it just breaks your heart that she is hurting.... and they are such babies when they are hurting.........just wanting you to hold them. In her case, that is a big lapfull! :)

Please let us know when you find out something!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann hope you get the results back early today!!! I know you are so worried about Nola. It's so sad to see them hurting!

I got a lot done in my yard yesterday and headed back out today. The weather is really nice but I know I better get it done now because this cool spell is not going to last. I most of the stuff I got at Hopes and Dreams in the ground or in pots. I got all my hydrandreas in the ground. Didn't realize I had bought so many new ones. Today I'm going to work on EE's and clematis.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

So sorry to hear about Nola's problems, Kathy Ann! The worst part of having an animal sick is that they can't tell you how they feel and where they hurt. :( I sure hope she gets better soon.
and your Sugar, too, Genna. We always hurt when our "babies" hurt.

All the blooms are just beautiful! Our pink lilies all bloomed while we were away but the blooms last a long time so we are still able to enjoy them. We just got home last night from a wonderful week seeing parts of Arkansas.

Al had never been to Petit Jean Mountain so we went there and had a lovely time. The weather was perfect all week, except for Wed. morning when it rained very hard but we didn't let that spoil our fun. The temps have been lower than normal (in the 70's) and the humidity has been low. It couldn't have been nicer. :) We saw a lot of the things to see on Petit Jean--Cedar Falls, the Rock House Cave, the Bear Cave trail, Stout's Point at the eastern end of the mountain and also the Museum of Automobiles. Then we went to Bentonville and saw the Crystal Bridges Museum which was wonderful--such beautiful paintings!! We didn't have nearly enough time to see it all and want to go back. We also went to the Pea Ridge National Military Park (Civil War battlefield). I had been there before but Al had not. He is a civil war buff and anything that has to do with that era really interests him. The day was beautiful--sun shining, soft breeze blowing, very peaceful but it wasn't that way 150 years ago in March of 1862. More than 3000 men were killed in that horrible battle. :( War is, indeed, h**l. It is very sobering to see a place like that.

Well, I better get busy planting some of the many plants I brought home with me. Thanks so much to all of you who were so generous in sharing your plants! It was sooooo good to see everyone who was able to attend the RU and we certainly missed seeing those of you who couldn't make it.

Sandra, thanks for starting the new thread! :)

The Arkansas River has seen from atop Petit Jean Mountain.

This message was edited Jun 7, 2013 10:28 AM

Thumbnail by marsue
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sounds like you had a great time Marilyn! Glad that you had nice weather too. I have been to Petit Jean a few times, but havent seen near all those places. Would love to go back and spend more time there. Love that view of the river valley!

Sugar seems to be doing better but I am having to give her antibiotics twice a day by shot because she can't keep the pills she isn't very happy with me right now. This will go on all weekend so she may be really mad at me before it is over. But, I think somehow, she knows I am trying to make her feel better. She has been a trooper thru all of this. Two Doctors at the vet clinic said she was "tough" because to look at her you would have never known she was sooo sick - and then she woke right up from surgery! She did better than I do under anethesia for sure! :)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'll let you all know something as soon as I find out. Looks like this thing w the two houses is gonna be a go. Looks like the bank is gonna loan is the $$ we need and the houses have to be moved in 2 weeks or else they can't move them till December. So were on a dead line now. The movers are tied up and have a short window to move our houses. We will put a down payment on the land this weekend and get the paper work started on that. Go to te bank Monday. We already have approval though. Lots of work ahead for us in the next couple weeks since we r getting the two houses ready for transport. Including cutting the house in half and closing up the ends and the garage and putting a floor and 2 walls in the garage. All before. 2 weeks. Yikes !!! We're all working over thiere this weekend too. Lots of clean up and building the floor in the garage too.

And then there's Nola. We won't be getting her anywhere till Monday. It will be too late in the day when the vet heard anything.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Imean when the vet hears anything. I'm on my cell phone.

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