What's blooming today? June 3

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Two more early bloomers had their first blooms today-Tigerland and Bali Water Color. Notice the welcome rain drops. It was beginning to get pretty dry. Happy for the rain and also thankful to be missing the storms that have hit the middle part of the country and now New England. Praying for them!!

Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes, those storms are/were just awful.

Both pretty flowers. Im about bloomed out, so thats makes them even more special to see.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Lovely Blooms! I like the rain drops on the blooms. Glad to hear you missed the storms! They went around me. Hardly even got much rain at all. Praying for all that was not so lucky!

Sorry to hear your bloomed out! Stay tuned North bloomers are just getting started. We will be happy to share. You sure helped us out during our dulldrums.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I am adding that Tigerland to my wish list. My husband, and all three children either attended or are attending a university whose mascot is the Tiger. I have always loved Tigers - so I want to eventually have a "tiger bed"............... not sure if that will be in this lifetime but its a nice thought. LOL

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

I'm trying to break my DL addiction, but I had to peek!! Tigerland is lovely.

Hamilton, OH(Zone 6a)

Gen2026- You should do a Tiger Bed! That would be a neat theme.

dmcdevitt-Why break the addiction? It's such a beautiful addiction to have. Get's expensive at times but so worth it when you get to see the beautiful blooms!
Peeking will only add to your list! LOL!

Had some blooms today just no time to take pictures. Will have to get some in the morning.

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