June Birthday Club

Smiths, AL

There's always room for more folks to join us. If you're just stumbling upon our Birthday thread or have lurked in the past and would like to join the fun, here's how our group works. During your Birth Month, you will receive a Birthday Card from each of the other participants. And in turn, you are to mail a Birthday Card to each participant during their Birth Month. Who doesn't enjoy receiving a thoughtful Card instead of junk mail and bills? A Card and a 1st Class Stamp, it's as simple as that. (And an occasional visit to the Birthday Club, so we know you're still around.) Purchased and handcrafted Cards are both welcome. Come on and have some fun!!!!

June Birthdays are...
Taters55 / Linda Kay...... June 13 !!
Let's ask our friends to join us!

Current Birthday Club Members:

lanakila/Lanakila -- January 22
rose318 / Patti -- March 18
Goldhillal / Crystal -- March 21
AmandaEsq / Amanda -- April 6
Mud_Elf / Kris -- May 10
ahoogstra/Alicia -- May 17
taters55 / Linda Kay -- June 13
Goober_Fairy/Kaitlyn -- August 5
GAgirl1066 / Paula -- September 1
GardenQuail / Michelle -- October 28
Sbish5/ Shirley --- November 1
Hope43 / Twyla -- December 28

HONORARY Member - Neener -- October 9

Rather than one person hosting Birthday Club all the time, we decided to take turns. We still need a host for November, so if you can help, just let us know. It does not take much: just start a new thread for your month, and wish everyone a Happy Birthday when the time comes!

2013 Birthday Club Hosts
January - GardenQuail
February - Lanakila
March - taters55
April - taters55
May -- GardenQuail
June - Goober_Fairy
July - Mud_Elf
August - rose318
September - Goldhillal
October - Taters55
November -
December - Sbish5/Shirley

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread Kris!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Here for June birthdays! Still have a belated card or two to ship. Ooops. Been on a breakneck pace but hope to slow down a bit this month...

Have a great week.

Smiths, AL

Hello im sitting in the laundry mat waiting for it to dry and i thought i would say hey and say i hope this goes well

oh and amanda i miss you i will call tommrow i have church tonight love you all have a good day


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Gobber, hope our doing well? Are you out of school for the summer?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello, Gooooooober! :)

Yes I miss you too. It's nice your nana takes you to church. My nana and I went to church together when I was a kid. She sure did make a lot of brownie faces at me for some reason. :D


Smiths, AL

Lol amanda you can be soo random thats why I love you :) ok so yesterday we all worked. I worked in the garden and Nana and Gryphon worked inside, we were so hot when we got done and then we had to eat supper and go to bed, I didnt sleep well because Winston decided to lay on my neck.
So yall all have a nice bright day tell me how it went,, I wanna know. alright love you all


This message was edited Jun 7, 2013 8:35 AM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Goober, we are doing fine here, getting much needed rain this morning! Drink plenty of fluids, and don't work too hard!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Brownie faces?!

I meant to say frownie. Dumb machine putting words in my mouth, makes goober think I'm random. Heh.


Just flea bombed the neighbors house. Glad our visitors have come and gone. I think we will have fleas too now that neighbor's dog is here. I rushed out for flea meds same day I took him in. Advantix? Anybody try this one yet? It suited my pocketbook. Did you know you could buy the XL dog size and fill a small glass bottle and use a syringe to draw out as much as you need to treat a small dog(s)? I bought the two pack for xl dogs and treated one 55 lb., one 40 lb., and one 17 lb. dog.

I will have to put diatomaceous earth down in the house. Can't use chemicals because of the fish and iguana.

Smiths, AL

I dont think your random, I know you are!! Lol

We will Linda.
So,, I`m confused because you 2 are the only ones typing .

How did they get fleas amanda???

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris, Goober and Gryphon, thanks so much for the Birthday cards that came in today's mail! I have them on the shelf by the compute!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Advantix did not work for my dog. Or maybe it was just an outrageous number of fleas that year.

Glad you got your cards.
Goober is at the park swimming with her brother. I am having an alone day. To tired to deal with the kids or anyone else. This rash/ poison ivy/ ???? Is killing me. I am going back to the Doc on Monday. Sigh....

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Goober, great job starting the new thread. Thanks! Hope you and your brother had fun swimming :) Sounds like fun!
Kris, I do hope you're feeling better soon! Take good care of yourself!
Sorry for disappearing... I think I must have been fighting some bug. While I was feeling exhausted, I got reading some westerns by an author that's new to me. Been reading a series he wrote. Really should have been getting other stuff done, too, but...
Our weather keeps wandering between hot and cool. Makes it harder for me to get things done when it's hot. If it just stayed hot, I'd get used to it. But, maybe the cooler weather will give me a chance to get some seeds planted.
I finally closed May's thread.
Alicia, I'll see if I can get my husband to help me get a picture of my daylily posted. My daylily has more flowers open today, so even if we can't find the pic he took before, I'm hoping we can get another one today.
And I'm very excited! One of my new daylilies, "Lullaby Baby" already has a flower stalk coming up! It will be a bit before it blooms, but will try to get a pic of it posted when it does. The info says it blooms early to mid summer, so it's certainly the right time of year for blooms, but there's only one fan of it, so I wasn't sure it would really bloom this year.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris has her fairy, gnome swap open, come and check it out!


Still itching... Whaaaaa

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Calamine lotion and benadryl...

Smiths, AL

Nana has been drowning I calamine and benadryl and.its not working so yep we just left the thrift shop and then to doller tree and.then home lol bye for today

I am having strange things going on now. There is a section on my back that is completely numb. It is approximately 1foot wide and tall. It is really wierd.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like you have a pinched nerve!

Cutlerville, MI

Quail, that's awesome! My first daylily bloomed just Fri, Texas Carnival Dance:) I'll try and post a pic soon:)

Cutlerville, MI

Here is Texas Carnival Dance Quail:)

Thumbnail by ahoogstra

Very pretty!!

Linda, I will ask the doc to check it out. I am not a happy camper.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, that is a beautiful bloom!

Kris, let us know what the Dr. say's please?

Smiths, AL

That is very pretty oh and im so tired and the cable company is comming so much fun I get to talk to random people :) ((((((((((((((((AMANDA)))))))))))))))))))))
Hows the turtle egggs

Goober is delutional... It is the dish tv people coming. I decided I would rather have the tv. I have gotten used to using my phone now.

Cutlerville, MI

Hey Taters....it's almost your DAY!!!!!!! BTW I received some great belated cards Fri! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

It is almost my day! Hubby has been harrassing me for 2 months now. I am 1 year and 5 months older than him, and he let's me know it.

Cutlerville, MI

That is tooo funny Taters, my I am 1 year and 6 months older than my hubby, and he thinks it's cool to tell me I am 2 years older than him for those 6 months! lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Alicia, I got your beautiful Birthday card today! Thanks so much!

Geez... I am over 3 years older than Ralph.

Lk I am to go to the doctor tomorrow or the next day.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Would anyone like some love-in-a-mist pods for wreath making or other crafts? I just pulled mine up and have oodles. I will dry them and then send. Please let me know if you think you want some.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Well, we took a pic of my daylily, Wineberry Candy, over the weekend. Several blooms were open. Hoping we can get the pic posted soon. Looks like there will be five or more flowers open tomorrow.
Alicia, what color is your daylily? Haven't had a chance to have my husband describe the picture you posted.
Elfie, hope you get some answers from the doc soon. And hope the doc can give you some relief.
Goober, it's fun to have you posting regularly :)

Cutlerville, MI

Hey GardenQuail,
The Texas carnival dance is Deep almost burgundy with a yellow center. I was very happy to see it finally bloom this spring:) I LOVE wineberry candy daylily! They are beautiful. I will post more pics as my daylily's open:)

Hey everyone. We are at the hospital again with Goober. They think it is strep. Her mom is coming to get her. So I am going to take over for her on this. Poor baby feels so sick

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

So sorry Kris, sending lots of prayers!

Hey all,,, Goober is at home with her mom. They did tons of tests and found nothing except with a cat scan with dye, she had some irritation in her intestines. The doctor said they had been afraid it was her appendix. But finally desided she had some kind of stomache virus. Her temp got up to 103.6 before they got it down again. Sarah decided to take them both home. When Ralph got to the hospital with Gryphon he was almost as sick as Goober. Not real sure what they got. Just hope I donot get it.

I will take over this month for Goober.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Poor Goober, sure hope she is feeling better soon!

Cutlerville, MI

Hey Mud, I have a family dealing with the same virus right now. Bad enough that the dad was in bed ALL weekend and Mon & Tues, all while he was supposed to be on a golf vacation! Yikes! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I am sending my prayers!

Taters........almost your day!!! Happy Birthday to you.....(you have to wait until tomorrow for the rest lol)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks Kris, so far my Birthday is awesome! We are down at the beach at Corpus Christie! Our motel in right on the beach on Padre Island. First things this morning was a walk on the beach! Just wish they had shells here. I have seen several jelly fish washed up on the shore, real pretty blue ones. I was told they are man o wars, and NOT to touch them. Even when dead, they still sting the crap out of you! I will post pictures when I get back!
Hope your rash is doing better, and that Goober is doing better also!

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